Taehyung wakes up not remembering himself while Yoongi tries to forget him.

In which Yoongi’s life is a parody of 'Taken' and Taehyung is just trying his goddamn hardest not to get arrested.

The first time Yoongi saw Kim Taehyung, it was merely a puzzle piece of his profile through the skeletal, empty eye socket of a big, brittle blue whale.

This is real, Yoongi tries to recount again, in his head. This is not.

Daegu boys are meant to fall in love with Busan boys.

Taehyung likes to think of himself as a Good Friend.

In which Taehyung tries his best to comfort a lovesick friend, and bungles into his own burgeoning romance.

even though they just stole a painting two months ago, it feels like yoongi just can't say no to taehyung.

"i'm in love with you, i'm sorry, i won't interfere." yoongi confesses during the rehearsal dinner for taehyung's wedding, and everything goes to shit.

The subtle toils and thrills of a relationship.

Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.

Taehyung, for all the fuss he makes about writing regularly to Yoongi, sends him cassette tapes instead.

Yoongi just wants to get through the night with his pride intact.

Enter Kim Taehyung.

Or, the one where they used to date and meet again at their ten year high school reunion.

one of these days, all of us should learn to stop looking for ourselves in the cracks between sidewalks.

State prosecutor Yoongi destresses by fucking criminal defense lawyer Taehyung, who, in turn, stresses him again.

Jungkook was the center of Yoongi's world and he wasn't keen on letting just anyone watch the kid. But, desperate times called for desperate measures. He could only hope that this time around, Jungkook didn't scare off this babysitter like he had all the previous ones.

Taehyung fingerfucking Yoongi on a bathroom sink. That's it.

  • Where The Heart is
  • If home is where the heart is, then we're all just fucked. (Fall Out Boy - 27)

Yoongi tries so hard to come home. Taehyung is already there.

(Or, to be less dramatic: Taehyung needs someone to play his boyfriend, and Yoongi lets himself get talked into one hell of a ride.)

“Is there anything you want, hyung?” Taehyung whispers.

  • You, Yoongi thinks, the single, incriminating word just on the tip of his tongue. He barely holds it back, asking instead, “Why’re you asking?”

Taehyung tilts his chin upward at the stars. “Look.”

“Last time we were young and stupid,” Taehyung says, as if yesterday were fifteen years ago, “and we only had one bike.”

“Well,” Yoongi replies, and there’s that sinister little smile again, all white hot and harsh and shimmering. Taehyung’s heart goes thump, thump, thump. “This time, we have two.”

Taehyung starts everything by procrastinating. Even unhealthy crushes on the pizza delivery boy.

Taehyung thinks Yoongi is cute in the fuckable way. Yoongi thinks Taehyung is an asshole.

It's 1993, and Yoongi is a music major starting his sophomore year in college. A bunch of stupid dares from his friends aren't supposed to turn his world upside down. Then again, maybe it's not the dares. Maybe it's just Taehyung.

Yoongi is in a spat with an asshole in the apartment complex who likes to play the saxophone in the middle of the night and his new downstairs neighbor, Taehyung, is too hot for his own good.

And I know he'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb.

Out of all his conceptions of tomorrows, his favorites are the ones with Taehyung in them.

taehyung develops photographs at the mall, yoongi is an amateur photographer

Taehyung starts an astronomy club.

Yoongi is small and angry and 200% done with having feelings; Taehyung is Taehyung; Hoseok harasses Yoongi with petnames and Jimin ships Yoonseok. That's basically it.

Yoongi falls back in love with Taehyung the same way he fell out of love with him — the way the autumn leaves fell. A drip, then a rainstorm.

When Yoongi is seventeen, he falls in love with Taehyung.

When Yoongi is nineteen, he fucks it up.

When Yoongi is twenty-five, he finally gets to make things right.

Yoongi’s hands stutter on the keys when Taehyung finally looks at him, pink in the ears and full of life. And it’s stupid, Yoongi thinks, to be doing this when he’s only going to be gone tomorrow, to be doing this when Yoongi already knows all of the things he can’t have, standing here in front of him with pretty eyes and a frantically beating heart.

Taehyung looks at Yoongi and thinks about his hands on the piano and the idea of his hands on Taehyung, thinks about how nice that would be, just to be touched by him, even only once.

Honestly, what are the odds that the guy attempting to pick Yoongi up at the café is also the guy he was supposed to get picked up by, in the first place?

(Alternatively, the one where Yoongi's phone dies in the worst moment, and Kim Taehyung is a box of surprises.)

Yoongi enjoys coffee and literature. Taehyung doesn't like to read.

(Or the one where Yoongi writes poetry and never stays in one place for too long and Taehyung is a college student working in a coffee shop who needs help writing his book report.)

Yoongi is a writer whose life is falling apart around him.

Until one day he sees a stranger reading his book and everything changes.

"What is—"

"Mugwort,” Taehyung answers. “And rosemary."

"Are those supposed to help with sleep?"

Taehyung looks up from the cauldron to Yoongi. "Not usually." His eyes are wide and innocent, and the rest of his face is rather blank. He stirs again. "But I think they might help you."

Soff domestic drivel in which Yoongi is a burrito and also convinced there are supernatural forces at work in Taehyung's apartment.

Taehyung is a Marine Biology major who only does casual sex and one-night stands, but Yoongi doesn't kiss before the third date. They manage to meet in the middle and kind of fall in love.

Alternatively titled: Tales of retail.

(Alternatively alternatively titled: Jeon Jeongguk Never Wants To Leave His Home Again, the Reasons will Shock and Amaze You!)

Former Idol Min Yoongi is struggling to write his next album. He knows he'll never live up to the success of his first solo outing, and the pressure is getting to him. After a series of minor scandals, his manager and best friend Jimin ships him off to Harmony Retreat, an ecotourism resort deep in the Daegu countryside. With electronics strictly forbidden and no company but a rooster, a dog, and his eccentric host Kim Taehyung, Yoongi's not sure how he's going to get through this -- let alone write a hit song.

Traveling to foreign countries and hotel rooms are good for two things: making Taehyung happy, and making Yoongi happy. For a variety of reasons.

There are a number of ways this can pan out. For a happy ending, do not choose 'A'.

(Alternatively: Yoongi comes up with three different ways to get to his happy ending. He's really liking how the last one sounds, but he doesn't take sides. Not yet.)

Alternatively titled "Blanket Forts: A Love Story in Two Parts".

while taehyung is trying to figure out whether or not min yoongi wants to stab him with a fountain pen, they find out they make an excellent team when it comes to board games.

Taehyung is too much of a fool to see that he's got Yoongi wrapped around his finger.

Kim Namjoon knows exactly one thing about Min Yoongi: the dude gets strawberry-themed care packages every month.

Min Yoongi - composer of background music and aspiring artist - might keep odd hours, but he's pretty sure he has the right a good night's - er, morning's sleep without having to listen to his neighbor's annoying little dog bark incessantly. Some people just have no consideration.

Taehyung just wants to be okay. Yoongi will do whatever he can to make that happen.

Min Yoongi is an art director with zero tolerance for bullshit, looking for ultimate perfection in everything he creates. Kim Taehyung is the co-owner of a vintage fashion boutique who talks to clothes and learns magic from Tumblr.

It’s a match made in the depths of hell.

Yoongi needed a roommate. Taehyung needed a place to stay. That was six years ago and neither of them really need those things anymore. Now they just need each other.

“How drunk was I?” Yoongi asks. “Did I seriously tell you my whole life story before we hooked up?”

“No,” Taehyung giggles. “Silly Min Yoongi. You told me your life story before we got married. Then we fucked. Like a honeymoon, you know?”

Or, Yoongi and Taehyung get drunk married in Las Vegas.

“When did you get so tall, Kim Taehyung?” Yoongi asks, at a loss for what to say.

A split second and then a smile that Yoongi knows, one that makes Yoongi sure it’s Taehyung for real in the flesh and not some sort of fever dream, some sort of hunger confusing Yoongi’s heart and his brain and his eyes and making him imagine phone calls and phantoms spinning into his life. A smile all mirth and bright and joy, one that can never be captured quite right in a photograph. Boxy and bold and wild and —


Six years later, Kim Taehyung looks just as good cocking a pistol.

they stand there, in the aisle of a grocery shop, not really kissing but close enough that their lips brush when they breathe. taehyung closes his eyes, lets his forehead rest against yoongi’s. lets himself be weak, just for a few moments. he feels floaty, like his limbs are clouds or maybe honey, warmth trickling through him as yoongi holds him close. he thinks yoongi is holding all of his broken pieces together, thinks that he couldn’t stand upright if yoongi wasn’t in front of him. he can’t even lift his arms to hold onto him; his body feels like lead, pulling him down into the earth.

yoongi shifts a little, fingers moving to rub just behind his ears. he presses a kiss to taehyung’s top lip, to his bottom lip. grounding him. taehyung sighs into yoongi’s mouth and murmurs something. he’s not sure what he says, but yoongi presses a smile to his lips.

“i’m here.”

“Please, I don't have scruples about taking anyone's money,” Taehyung says. “I just can’t picture anyone paying so much just to kiss me. We shouldn’t be starting cheek kisses at 15,000 won, who’s going to pay that?”

Taehyung tries to write a million letters to someone he’s never even met.

Origami cranes with cute, if kitschy, words of advice are popping up on campus. Yoongi is struggling with a lot right now, but they help. So does the pretty boy that leaves them.

Yoongi is a traveling salesman circling the same set of weird towns and highways. Taehyung is a gas-station clerk in the middle of nowhere.

"Won’t space be lonely?” Yoongi asks. Taehyung shrugs—Yoongi can feel him move beside him, just a finger-breadth away. “It’s lonely down here too.”

In which Yoongi is a gardener, Taehyung is a little ghost, and there are bones and pianos and flower crowns.

yoongi and taehyung are getting used to things, and their favorite way to do this is through each other

(and only in the morning)

It’s funny how music first brought them together, and now here it is, defining them. Defining what could be.


The one where Taehyung is a lonely cashier at a convenience store with a penchant for old music, and he falls for a boy who always buys the same cup of instant ramyeon at three a.m.

It is so tempting, to be seen without having to explain, to put into words what he himself can only ever hope to weave into his music. Yet the fact that Taehyung is capable of it is a missed step on a flight of stairs, heart skipping a beat and icy dizziness sweeping through his body, the fear of falling without the relief of landing.

Yoongi has never let himself fall, but he starts thinking perhaps Taehyung would catch him, and nothing scares him more than that.

Or, Yoongi meets Taehyung during his exchange year abroad, and learns the inevitability of seeing and being seen.

On Friday night, Yoongi meets Taehyung in a bar and almost takes him home. On Monday morning, Taehyung walks into Yoongi's literature class.

Taehyung and Yoongi are managers in rival cafes, and Jungkook is suffering.

Taehyung grows a beard to prove he's not just a pretty face; things don't work out exactly as he plans.

Disaster witch Kim Taehyung meets perfect senior Min Yoongi in the poison greenhouses of witch school. Years later, Taehyung owns a clinic that fixes hearts, Yoongi has a celebrated apothecary, and they (don't) get along.

Taehyung, who exudes an air of expense and confidence, is the last person Yoongi expected to fall in love with, and in turn, be loved by.

And suddenly, he's the only one.

yoongi and taehyung make out every time the power goes out in the dorms.

Taehyung wakes up 500 years in the past and catches feelings for a Joseon prince.

Yoongi brings spring and wine and the revels. Taehyung reaps regrets and consequences. They're opposites, and equal halves.

A list of Taehyung and Yoongi’s firsts, together.

Taehyung is a widowed father, trying to overcome the grief of his late wife, when he relents to his son's begging for piano lessons. Upon meeting the pianist, Min Yoongi, Taehyung can't help but feel there's something achingly familiar about the man. He just can't put his finger on what.

Alternative link: https://web.archive.org/web/20201214002641/https://archiveofourown.org/works/15321144/chapters/35547138.

Yoongi wonders and wonders and wonders and still it all revolves around Taehyung.

"This sucks," Taehyung says suddenly, and Yoongi looks up at his face. Taehyung looks back, bright and cheerful and tired.

"It looks really good to me," Yoongi murmurs as Taehyung crosses his arms and leans back against the stove. There's paint on the oven window.

(Or: Taehyung is an artist. Yoongi is a producer. Neither of them knows how to go to sleep at a reasonable time.)

“Hey, Taehyung?”


“Will you go out with me?”

“Christ. This is some dumbass dare, isn’t it?”


Yoongi's head is filled with smoke and mud, but Taehyung is something else, something different, something bright and new.

The forest looks normal as they walk through but there’s a wrongness. Like climbing stairs that are too short: a sense of knowing yet falling, only to land on solid ground again, but a few centimeters lower than it should be.

Taehyung looks over at Yoongi to see if he feels it too. Yoongi stares straight ahead, watching where they’re walking, but he squeezes Taehyung’s hand harder. As if he can feel Taehyung’s eyes on him. As if he understands Taehyung’s unease.

“You’re so big. And soft,” Yoongi murmured, hitting the sleepy and cuddly drunk part of the progression. “I like it when you carry me. Will you date me?”

“We’re already dating, hyung. You’re my favorite boyfriend in the whole world.”

“Okay, that’s good,” Yoongi said, patting his chest. “Will you date me forever?”

“For as long as you want.”

“Does Yoongi make you happy these days?”

Does he? Taehyung can only answer honestly. “I... sometimes.”

“Do you love him?”

“Yes.” This one is easier to answer.

“Does he love you?”

At this, Taehyung doesn’t have a reply.

Yoongi closes his mouth. Yeah, because it was hanging open, because fuck, this dude is hot in a way that makes the situation look like the beginning of a porn movie instead of an actual maintenance visit.

The guy blinks at him a few times, then looks down to a post-it note in his hand. “Uh, you had a problem with your smoke detector?”

Yoongi is certain of many things in life: his perpetually empty bank account, his crippling student debt.

Taehyung confesses his feelings under the wearing effects of anesthetics and suddenly Yoongi’s feelings aren’t one of them.

Taehyung often feels like magic, the stardust in his atoms closer to the surface than anyone else’s, and sometimes the planets they visit seem to know that and just… bloom for him.

Kind of like Yoongi does.

(Or Yoongi and Taehyung are researchers exploring the far-flung reaches of the galaxy, and very much in love).

Detective Min works for the NSPD. Designation Kim Taehyung is his android partner.

Yoongi runs and leaves a trail of dead people behind. Taehyung goes looking for him in improbable places. There is scary biochemistry involved.

Kim Taehyung is the last person Yoongi would ever expect to run into in his shitty local bar.

In late 1700s Joseon Korea, a string of strange murders sends Inspector Kim Seokjin to a frozen northern province. Accompanying him is Min Yoongi, once a scholar of the supernatural, now an indentured laborer until a debt for his crimes against the palace can be paid.

Quickly taking on eccentric artist Kim Taehyung as his assistant, Yoongi sets out to find the monster that’s terrorizing the land. But there’s more to both the icy lakes and the people here. More to Taehyung and his unflinching ease at drawing scenes of death. Yoongi just needs to figure out what.

Yoongi's personally customized hell looks like this: waking up at 7am, dealing with emotions, and pretending to be with his ex-boyfriend for a week.

Oh, and all of the above happening in his week off. Figures.

Eight years after they last saw each other and five years since they stopped talking, Yoongi shows up in front of Taehyung again.

"Do you think we ran our course? Was that all we had to give?"

Taehyung and Yoongi break up, reunite in a snowstorm, and heal old wounds.

Yoongi gave him a look and then jerked his eyes away as if he’d touched an electrical current. “So you came over to distract me?” His voice was surprisingly even, unbothered despite the tiny tremble in his fingers as he turned the page.

He could parse this. He’d found step one of their routine. “Kinda,” Taehyung said, tone softening. It drew Yoongi’s gaze to him again, and he told him, to those weary eyes, “I came to get your KaTalk.”

Taehyung got his KaTalk. It was a silent exchange, Yoongi mumbling under his breath as he picked up his phone, opened the app, and slapped it in Taehyung’s open palm. “You talk to anyone about anything and I’ll stab you,” Yoongi said after Taehyung returned his phone to him and started a conversation thread with a hello ^^. “I’m so serious. This isn’t—it’s not anyone’s business.”

“No one’s business but ours,” Taehyung confirmed.

University student Kim Taehyung, allegedly, doesn’t do relationships.

“Don’t be like that,” Jimin coos, fluffing up the back of Taehyung’s hair while they walk. A crowd shifts at the threshold so they can squeeze through. “You can get anybody you want and you’re throwing a tantrum about one guy?”

“I’m not throwing a tantrum,” Taehyung huffs, throwing a tantrum. “I just—I clearly can’t get anybody I want if he won’t fuck me.”

Jimin leans on the adjacent counter and watches Taehyung retrieve the water filter from the fridge. Crossing his arms, he says, “That doesn’t mean he won’t fuck you. It just means he won’t fuck you tonight.”

Min Yoongi is the graduate student that quote-unquote 'doesn't do this', and Taehyung is enthralled.

Taehyung’s family had been living in the apartment down the hall for three years before they were invited to Chuseok dinner.

Seokjin and Yoongi had known one another for two months before they settled down, together.

Yoongi loves his job as an archivist, but finds himself at a standstill on the path to bigger dreams. When he's invited to take part in an excavation at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey, he jumps at the opportunity to broaden his horizons and reignite the passion within him.

Taehyung is full of wonder and breathes life back into the bones he uncovers. He helps Yoongi dig deep and realise that some of the best treasures you find aren't necessarily those you keep locked up in a museum, but take with you in your heart wherever you go.

“Date me,” Taehyung says, leaning forward.

“I don’t want to date you,” Yoongi replies with a laugh. “Definitely not you.”

“Not for real,” Taehyung insists. “Just to get everyone to leave us alone. We’ve already fucked, what else do we need?”

Yoongi thinks there’s probably a lot more that they need, but somehow this sounds almost reasonable.


When his hook up-turned-blind date suggests they pretend to be in a relationship to get their friends off their backs, Yoongi reluctantly agrees. Yoongi is rigid. He values routine and planning, consistency and schedules. Spontaneous Taehyung breezes into his life, seemingly intent on upending it. And maybe Yoongi doesn’t realize how much he might like that until it’s slipping through his fingers.

nov 24 2017 ∞
may 23 2024 +