The rational part of Jimin's brain screams at him to remember what his mother said about strangers and vans. But the rational part of his brain is no match for really bad whiskey and Kim Taehyung.

Prompt: Vmin, where they are childhood friends and one of them has a huge crush on the other and really wants to admit his feelings but he's afraid of making their friendship weird.

Jimin and Taehyung weren't close when they were first trainees. Not really even friends.

“That’s not fair. I haven’t gone anywhere,” Jimin says, and it’s not soft. “But people have to change in order to grow, you know. So have you.”

“It’s different,” Taehyung says, looking away. “I miss -”

“I’m here, though. You just want it all. It’s impossible, you know. You can’t keep things a certain way forever.”

The story of Taehyung and Jimin growing up is best told in the time they spend together each summer. From Ninja Turtles to first kisses, they figure everything out together.

"Taehyung, come inside and meet the new neighbors!" his mom calls from the back door. "This is Mrs. Park and her son Jimin, they just moved in next door." Jimin’s back is still glued to his mother’s side, but he’s staring curiously at Taehyung. "Hi Jiminie, do you want to come play with my Ninja Turtle action figures? I’ll even let you be Mikey, everyone knows he’s the coolest.'"

"If you get me out of here, I’ll tell you my name,” the stranger purrs. Taehyung can tell he’s trying to pull Taehyung into his rhythm, and Taehyung lets himself be pulled because he has nowhere better to be.

He grins. “Something tells me you’d get out of here just fine on your own.”

(With a bounty on their heads and an emperor out for blood, Taehyung and Jimin's only choice is to travel deep space with both eyes open. Easy enough, if only their eyes didn’t so often fall on each other.)

They are so tangled up in each other, Taehyung thinks, in so many ways.

(Taehyung and Jimin have a late night conversation.)

Jimin’s birthday was in October. His best friend, in his infinite wisdom, had decided for some unfathomable reason that the perfect choice for a birthday celebration would be going camping. In the mountains. Where the temperature was 9 degrees celsius and sinking fast as the sun set slowly in the west.

There are reasons, very specific reasons that justify why—in three years of being hopelessly pathetically in love with his best friend—Jimin has not said a single word. Certainly hasn’t made a single move or attempt at a pass.

But when it comes down to it, three years is a long time. A very long time.

So when Jimin’s dam breaks, it breaks hard.

(Or, Jimin asks Taehyung for help with taking photographs.)

"So what do I do?" Jimin throws up her hands. "It's been months." Frankly, Jimin isn't used to having to work this hard for some dick. "What do boys like?"

"Girls," Hoseok and Taehee say at the same time.

"Lesbians," Taehee adds, wry. "Never got a guys number as fast as I do when they see me with another girl."

It's the spark of a bad idea.

That's the nature of one-sided confessions. Things change.

"He doesn't seem okay," Jimin notes, several long gracefully curling strands falling forward as he cranes his head in front of Taehyung's face to get a better look.

"He's fine. He's just a little shaken by your dick," Jin tells him without an ounce of shame, and Taehyung has the presence of mind to cut his eyes sharply in his direction.

"Ahhhh," Jimin hums appreciatively, turning back to Taehyung and fluttering his long lashes. "Well that's okay, honey. Lots of people are shaken by my dick. Granted, it's usually inside of them at the time."

“You have no idea how a marriage works, do you?”

Taehyung groaned, “Not a single God damn clue, Jimin. But it’s not like we’ll be married for realsies!” He was swinging his legs a bit, pouting at Jimin--the pout that Jimin absolutely fell for every single time--And of course, Jimin caved, Taehyung watching with sheer pleasure as he witnessed Jimin’s resolve slowly crumble.

(Or: Taehyung coerced Jimin into marrying him for tax benefits.)

As an incoming freshman, Taehyung knew that there'd be some complications as he adjusts to life on campus. But, what no one could prepare him for is having to spend the first ten days sharing a bed with his roommate.

The flashing colors of the TV screen paint Taehyung’s beautiful features like a moving picture. Jimin can’t possibly look away and after 4 years and 10 months something suddenly snaps.

nov 26 2017 ∞
jun 26 2019 +