bold = OTP

ryokira, ryoucest, argchi (LH), uruchi (LH), ukchi (L/H), mexchi (LH), manuel/todos (chilebowl), farmer/sebastian, farmer/shane, farmer/all bachelors, sebastian/sam, arthas menethil/illidan stormrage, wranduin, fairshaw, biker/jacket, jacket/beard, fifteen/zero, mangelito, olliezel, c!rubelangel, sTaXxby, luckity, rubegetta, wigetta, sTaXx/todos, mangel/todos, pedrarly (xd)

when the gays

also if one of my OTPs are your NOTPs consider that im gonna BLOCK the FUCK out of you idgaf

sep 20 2023 ∞
nov 2 2023 +