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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”
— Andy Warhol

  • name: J'Ingahl
    • race: Khajiit
    • class: thief


skill list

  • sneak
  • one-handed
  • light armour
  • pickpocket
  • speech
  • *restoration; J'Ingahl only has a basic understanding of this, so this skill will be limited.



no thieves guild involvement despite him being a thief; using the Shady Fences mod for fencing shit.

J'Ingahl would probably be described by those who don't know him well as an asshole. He's sarcastic and cheeky, often jokingly belittling others. His respect can be earned, however, by showing one has true courage, honesty, loyalty and/or dedication. His loyalty take some effort to be earned, but if he decides someone is worthy of it, he will follow that person into the very planes of Oblivion. Despite being a smartass, J'Ingahl isn't always very smart. He can often think very naively, which can result in him having to flee the scene on accounts of not thinking his actions not completely through.

J'Ingahl was born on the streets of Elsweyr, but he never saw anything of the province. His mother left with him, in search of a better life. She ended up in Cyrodiil, where she met a kind Breton, who would soon become J'Ingahl's father.

The family stayed in Cyrodiil for years, but J'Ingahl's father would soon long back for his home in High Rock, and so the family left for the Nordic province.

J'Ingahl didn't much enjoy High Rock with all its petty conflicts. He felt a need for adventure and wanted to see his homeland, Elsweyr. And so, when he was old enough to be considered independent, he left his parents to explore the vast lands of Tamriel.

First came Hammerfell and Cyrodiil, the latter a province where J'Ingahl stayed for a while before travelling to the Cat province. When he finally got to the desert land, he found he didn't feel at home with the people there. Despite being raised by a Khajiiti parent, J'Ingahl didn't understand much of Khajiit culture, and so the inhabitants of the province saw him as an outsider.

J'Ingahl, feeling defeated in his quest to see Tamriel, returned to Cyrodiil, where he found his Khajiit agility made him very suited for the trade of thief. At first, J'Ingahl operated solely on his own, mostly keeping himself busy with street thievery, picking pockets of unsuspecting city residents.

In some months, he would join up with other pickpockets and start a small pickpocket group called the Finger Markers. They had no rules, although they relied on some guidelines that dictated a Finger Marker be true to his brothers and sisters and never betray them, and that they share all their loot together. At first, there weren't any problems. The Markers would travel Cyrodiil, robbing innocent people on the streets or in the countryside, unseen or at knifepoint, and killing if they saw fit. When they had fenced off all their loot, the Markers would relish in their loyal brotherhood and their newfound riches. The group thrived; and soon, the Thieves Guild, present in most major cities, took notice of the thieving rabble. They contacted J'Ingahl, who, by everyone, was seen as the leader of the group. The Guild, who always had keen eyes for skilled thieves, offered them employment. But they had to obey to the rules of the Guild. The Markers, happy in their rule-less ways, declined the offer and continued in their ways.

This would soon prove to be a bad decision. Not only were they not competing with the Thieves Guild, by far the largest and best organised group of outlaws in the province, they also found that many of their own members would get caught in the act and thrown in prison. The group fell into ruin. J'Ingahl was left standing with only two other members. Collectively, they decided the only way to continue was to join the Thieves Guild. And so what was left of the Finger Markers was disbanded.

J'Ingahl and his brother and sister weren't keen on the rest of the Guild at first, but they soon learned that employment by the organization meant they had a fairly stable income, and a relatively high one at that, too. As a trio still close-knit, the former Markers would often operate together. Being with the guild also meant they got the opportunity to learn the burglar's trade too. Being with the Guild was nice, but the three of them felt the excitement of their old rule-less ways itching. And that all came out one night on a burglary job.

The three former Markers were on a simple job to retrieve a single item. Breaking in was easy; they were inside in no-time. However, the

apr 16 2016 ∞
apr 16 2016 +