I woke up in a dark room illuminated by a faint light without a source.

The room was big and irregular, on the right wall there was an indentation big enough for a double bed to fit in and on the same wall, on the left, there was a rusted metal door; the left wall was empty except for a few photos and papers taped randomly in the center of it; the back wall was shorter than the others and it had a single, small peculiar window: I could tell that it was day outside, but the light didn't illuminate the room like it should have; I also could tell that the glass was transparent, to a degree, but it was still too opaque to see what was on the other side of it.

The last wall wasn't really a wall, but a large, pitch black corridor separated from the room by two stair steps.

I was trapped in this dream together with a friend and the only way to get out was going through that maze of a place and find both the exit and the key that unlocked it.

When we explored a new place I always went first, I am the one that is most used to living through violent dreams, I know how to fight monsters with my bare hands; there was no way I'd let my friend take the hits for me.

We went through an abandoned mall with zombies, an old underground parking lot filled with bandits that shot at us, random encounters with black, thin demons in the hallways, we went down a metal staircase that led to an empty cellar full of tiny balls of black light and more hallway demons; there were more rooms and enemies but these are the ones i remember most. We found a shiny golden key in the body of a demon and opened the exit that we discovered was the peculiar window in the room with the bed.

Between rooms and fights we took breaks and rested in the safe room, I don't know how much time we spent there but I counted at least five days or nights.

oct 20 2017 ∞
dec 30 2017 +