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Just a twenty-one year old Parisian girl. Frivolous, aesthetic and dilettante, I am constantly in search of wonders of all kinds. Jane Austen nerd. Was born to love music & art. Can't live without coffee & love. Can spend a whole day just reading books and watching films. Feels old, but not very wise. Yes she's a dreamer, a modern girl with a romantic streak .

My whole life is based on Art and ...

nowhereskies television (épisodes 2025)
books (livres 2025)
movies (films 2025)
Q books (2025)
work (Things to work for)
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  • Weather has a huge impact on my mood. For example, it's currently snowing and I can't help smiling like a little girl who sees snow for the very first time.
  • Death.
  • Arguing with people I love.
  • Being sick.
  • Not being able to achieve what I want to do.
  • Sundays.
  • Losing something I love. (For example : last year I lost my gloves, and it made me really really sad, 'cause they were so gorgeous.)
  • A sad film.
  • Listening to Radiohead.
  • Feeling lonely.
  • Being bored.
  • Being jealous. I've always thought that I was not this kind of girl but actually I am so jealous that sometimes it's killing me & I don't want to talk about it & I don't know what to do about it. Plus, I don't have to be jealous, this is just ridiculous.
  • Thinking about this friendship that I've lost
dec 19 2009 ∞
may 17 2010 +