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Just a twenty-one year old Parisian girl. Frivolous, aesthetic and dilettante, I am constantly in search of wonders of all kinds. Jane Austen nerd. Was born to love music & art. Can't live without coffee & love. Can spend a whole day just reading books and watching films. Feels old, but not very wise. Yes she's a dreamer, a modern girl with a romantic streak .

My whole life is based on Art and ...

nowhereskies television (épisodes 2025)
books (livres 2025)
movies (films 2025)
Q books (2025)
work (Things to work for)
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  • She's the sweetest girl ever.
  • She's always listening to me
  • She wants my happiness
  • She has such a great heart.
  • She's a dreamer, and so do I
  • She loves Austen <3
  • She's gorgeous and she doesn't seem to realize it.
  • She's nice, sweet, honest & SWEET! Did I mention it?
  • She's one of my closest friend, and I can not imagine my life without her; I love her like a sister.
  • She's obsessed with bags and lingerie (so she's a good person!)
  • Because it's all about music & lyrics, and she perfectly understands that.
  • Because we are evolving together, that's amazing to see
  • Because we can talk for hours and I'll never get tired of it. Actually, sometimes when I'm away I miss it so much it makes me sad.

She deserves to be happy more than anyone cause she's more than precious.

oct 30 2009 ∞
apr 27 2015 +