• skin - Skin cancer, vitiligo, really bad acne (dw about selfies), detailed talk of skin issues, rashes, cysts, you name it. Tag it. Even /mentioning/ it I will get uncomfortable. Picking I'm generally ok with as long as you don't go into detail. This is pretty important.
  • blood - Particularly bags of blood or copious amounts of it. "Factory" meat also makes me nauseous.
  • tkp/toko/tokophobia - Pregnancy. Mentions I'm generally ok but if I see it on my dash over and over again I go into panics. Pictures especially I need tagged.
  • trypophobia/trypo - Specifically holes on the skin. Images that makes it look like a face and has holes on it will make me go into panic attacks.
  • megastar - megatron/starscream
feb 3 2017 ∞
mar 6 2018 +