films (to see)
apr 5 2020
nov 3 2019
wishlist (beauty)
apr 7 2019
dec 29 2018
television (shows to watch)
oct 26 2018
books (to read)
feb 6 2018
music (vinyls)
dec 7 2017
about me (favorites)
jan 3 2017
notes (little acts of kindness)
aug 17 2016
notes (to start doing)
apr 20 2012
television (shows i've finished)
oct 26 2018
travel (to visit someday)
oct 26 2018
performances (broadway musicals I've seen)
aug 28 2018
music (concerts i've been to)
aug 28 2018
books (reading challenge)
jul 7 2016
travel (U.S. states i've been to)
aug 21 2015
books (books read from BBC's top 100)
dec 28 2014
movies (seen in 2014)
aug 21 2015
books (books read in 2013)
jan 20 2014
notes (words i like)
sep 8 2013
books (read in 2012)
dec 31 2012