- acoustic guitars
- beverly hills 90210 season 1
- comedy shows
- dalai lama wisdom
- egg nog coffee in my coffee maker
- fake red plastic snakeskin
- gingerbread lattes from the daily grind
- hot boys from foreign countries
- ipods that are new and crisp and clean
- jason mraz guy at UNC.
- keeping up with facebook statuses
- listography:)
- moleskine notebooks
- nose piercing accessories
- obama guy at UNC.
- pepe my car
- quebec parapharnalia
- rocky river coffeee
- silver rings
- travis and hot guitarist from GCH
- urban outfitters
- veering off-course when trying to study
- water parks
- xmas vacation!
- yarn that is grey flecked with white
- zoolander
dec 3 2008 ∞
jan 5 2009 +