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(list of chanbaek fics)
'cause in your eyes i'd like to stay
(Baby, We'll) Make This Work
(faith, trust, and) pixie dust
(what we) been through
100 Days with Park Chanyeol
part 1
part 2
Alternative Ending
24 days to capture you
42 (The Answer To Life, Everything, and The Universe)
516 problems for a single 143
a case study in equity theory
A Certain Stupid Smile
a confession in potions class
a cup of freshly brewed romance
a day without laughter is a day wasted
a former "most love only lasts for awhile"
a friend in need is a lover indeed
a friendly piece of advice
a kind of magic
a little like love
a little spellbound
a lot like love
a lot like love and loey
a lot of space to fill
a mistaken kiss
a promise of happy ending
A Rhythm of Its Own
a semi, kinda, sorta fairytale
a sky full of stars
a streetcar named desire
a thousand years
a three-point shot straight into your heart
a way to the man's heart is through his stomach
About Potions and Love
Act One, Scene Three
advanced amateur
after all the rains
after school club
ain't nobody gonna love me like the way you do
ain't we a strange crowd
all my tomorrows are waiting for you
all that matters
All the Stars Point Me To You
allergies, knee cuts & serenades
almost like being in love
always worth it
always, no matter how many times
Amortentia (To Kiss a Boy)
An Amortentia Fail
And they call it bella notte
andante again
angels wear pink
answer me (tell me that you love me too)
Arctic sun
area 51
baby, i'm your biggest fan
baby, please
baby's breath
back to you
baek in a box
Baek to Basics
Baekhyun the Midget
Beautiful Bride
part 1
part 2
beautiful disaster
part 1
part 2
beautiful indeed.
beauty and the asshole
beauty starts at the core
behind blue eyes
between the lines
part 1
part 2
between us
BFFs with Benefits
bias privileges
Big City Dreams
part 1
part 2
sequel ;
Small Island Dreams
p.s lots and lots of kailu eheh <3
bite me (actually - please don't)
Bitten by the Love Bug
bittersweet baby
Blind spot
blossoms for lonely hearts
Boys over Towers
sequel ;
Boys over towers ii
breakfast with the fuzz
broken promises
buckle your heart, be ready to fly
built to fall apart (then fall back together)
burnt sugar
but still, can we?
by sweet definition
call it magic (when im with you)
sequel ;
can't get over you
call it magic
call or delete?
can i buy you at sephora?
can i have this dance?
Can i have your number? (and maybe some hugs?)
Can you hear me?
part 1
part 2
can't fight these bad intentions
can't help falling in love with you
can't help myself
cause i want to be free (and i want to be yours)
chansons d' amour
Chanyeol's Big Cheese
Chanyeol's Epic Fail
charming stalker
chart topper, heart stopper
chasing what you already have
part 1
part 2
cheap date
Children of the Storm
city of light
Clean Up on aisle "my heart"
coffee with a sprinkle of sugar
come in, stay a while
part 1
part 2
complete (with you)
confuse me not
Convenience Love Store(y)
Coping 101 from not a break-up
crank the bass
Ctrl + S Me In Your Heart Disk
part 1
part 2
Cupid's chokehold
cynosure of my eyes
days without you
destiny is overrated
dispute resolution
distance between the realms
dog years
don't go bacon my heart (i couldn't if i fried)
don't leave me tongue tied
Don't look at the God of Death in the Eye
don't stop me now
done with questions (i'll just make my answers)
double loving
Drops of Warmth
dumb dumb (love hate)
dumb ways to die
eden's morning
Edward, Chanyeol Style
eight ways to forget lu
escaping the heat
even the alphabet agrees
even the midnights are better
even though we ain't got money, i'm so inlove with you honey
exchange for love (pity love)
fairy's twins
Fall For You
fall into step
fall, cuddles, and other extreme sports
Falling For You
falling out
fanboy next door
Fill in the gap
find me
finders keepers
finger painting
fire alarm, heart alarm
firebolt 61
fireworks: check
first timers
fix you
part 1
part 2
following the light from the moon
for better or for worse
for life
forever and everlasting
freaky friday
freedom of speech
From Now
futuri visio
game over (or maybe just leveling up)
Geometry, Love, and Other Things You’re Supposed To Forget in High School
ginkgo dawn
give me love
gonna be who and me
got you under my skin
Hairy Tales: Baekhyunella
half a heart
hand in hand (we swim in our sins)
harder than confessing a crush
head over hoops (in love with you)
heart out
heartstrings and piano keys
heaven hotline
heaven is a place on earth with you
hold me closer, sleepy dancer
home (is the last place i want to be)
Honey Rhythm
hot summer: finding my true love
how can i not love you?
How To Get Famous (for all the wrong reasons)
all's fair in the name of fame (and revenge)
Hunt Me Down
i better wash my mouth out with soap
i can't say that i love you
i don't want to fall in love with you!
i have died everyday, waiting for you
i know places
(i long to be) close to you
I See You Driving ‘Round Town With the- Watch out!
i sing better than snow white
part 1
part 2
I Swear This Time I Mean It
i wanna dance with somebody
main: kaisoo
i will follow you (cause im under your spell)
i'd take you over a million subscribers
i'll be rude and you'll disagree
I'm a Wolf and You're a Giant
i'm nobody else's (but yours)
i'm not following you!
I'm not going anywhere
i’m not your cinderella
ichariba chode
identity crisis
if i stay
if the police ask
in control
in the eye of the beholder
in the height of summer
in time
instant classics
into your smile
into your world
anywhere with you is heaven
it began with a bet
it has to be you
it seemed like a good idea at the time
it's all gone pear-shaped
it's baekhyun, not boeun
it's got to be false advertising
journey to the center of your heart
just a coffee shop story
keep me running
kids on the slope
kind of perfect
kinesics (mind & heart)
koi no yokan
lady luck (in the library )
last first kiss (under the mistletoe)
let it rain
Let me be your genie
let me explain
let me give you a tip
let me love you wallflower
let there be light
let's get married (as friends)
let's play
Let's play wolf
letters to baekhyun
lightsticks, photobooks and a picture of you
like a boomerang
like bourbon in my cup of coffee
like night and day
Liquid Luck
listen closely
grey zone
hide and seek
hold tight
little fortune
living on borrowed time
loose spaces
losing balance
lost forever
lost in space (lost in your eyes)
love light
love or something like it
love sick
love songs with baekhyun
love you for you
lowkey creeper
magic fingers
Make a day feel like a minute
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
make you high
part 1
part 2
part 3
may the stars shine as i kiss you good night
maybe that's what i wanna see
method acting and other dangerous things
mind games
mine now and forever
mistake back then
mocha chocolata ya ya (oh yeah)
moments like this
more than a neighbor, never quite a friend
more than meets the eye
more than words
most unlikely to get married
mugged up love
mugged-up love
murder melody
my phoenix boy alight
neseye ne eng lehet
Adik sayo
never forget
new advice video! (because i'm already falling in love)
new york, london...maybe, tokyo
news pop weekly!
nisi dominus
no good at love
No Limit
no ordinary love
no title
no umbrellas, no sunglasses
part 1
part 2
now and forever (it's a wonderful journey)
part 1
part 2
Not a Fairy Tale
not as farfetche'd as it seems
not intended
not the one you deserve
nothing good happens after 2 A.M
of books and road trips
of daffodils and diamond night skies
of notepads and ice cream
Of Papers Planes And Paper Cranes
Of Romance Novels and Quidditch Games
Of Singers and Familiar Strangers
Old friends, new lovers
on melancholy hill
on the booze with brahms
one and only you.
one clingy monkey
one more
only if you want
open up your eyes, wake up with me
open when...
operation phoenix
operation vengeance
our corner of the cosmos
out of league
panel by panel
parfait vous
Park Chanyeol: Of Star Wars' T-shirts, Three-Quarter Pants and Messy, Red Hair
Park Chanyeol's Guide To Perfect Confession
particular days
pat it, roll it, mark it with a b
Peep Show
penny for your tooth?
perfectly imbalanced
perhaps if i stayed...
phone calls and poetry
physically attracted
part 1
part 2
piece me back together
pinch me
Pizza boy
playing cupid (playing stupid)
potato poop
prank of the century
part 1
part 2
part 3
Project Ninetales
part 1
part 2
Pumpkins and Parties and Park Chanyeol
puppy in love
purgatorio for two
part 1
part 2
Queer and Proud
Queer and Proud- Behind the Scenes
redrum is spelled ‘i love you’ backwards
river flows in you
Rule Number Fifteen
runway freaks
saccade (love in plain sight)
searching for baekhyun
section b through c
seranade the world (from inside my heart)
sharing spaces (with you)
shoot me out of the sky
silent library
six days left to be hip, young and loving it
sleep tight, starlight
snapbacks and snapshots
part 1
part 2
so i heard you like chopin
so sick of love songs
So Silver Bright
some feel the rain, others get wet
Someday Dream
something in the pumpkin juice
somewhere in time
son of man
spare the rod and spoil the child!
Star Light, Star Bright
starwberries, cherries and an angel's kiss
still into you
stranger on the bus
Strangers on the Train, Friends on the Sidewalk
strawberries, cherries, and an angel’s kiss
stuck! (in my mind and in my heart)
stumbled into your love
summer kitchen
sweet disposition
Swift, T. (2012, Track 4)
take a chance, we'll make this work
take me away
target practice
tat-too [oh look! we match]
technical faults
part 1
part 2
Tell Me
tell me what is love
Tell Me You Want Me Around (Tell Me I'm Yours)
Tell me your wish (I'm genie for you, boy!)
temporary things
text and angel feathers
text and angel feathers ii: white roses
thank you
that's how you get the boy
The 27th of October
Take Two
the art of negotiating
the art of war
the art of war, for dummies
the baby deal
the beautiful ones
the boy atop the ivory tower
the circus of dreams
The Closer You Get to the Light (The Greater Your Shadow Becomes)
the color red
The Cool Dude Who Sang that Madonna Song in the Halls and Got Away With it
the countdown
the day we felt distance
the faults in byun baekhyun
the flaws in park chanyeol
the glory of basketball shorts
the honest heart (i'll follow you to the end)
The Legend of the Sun and the Moon
the legend of the sun and the moon
the letter
The Limit Totally Doesn't Exist
the long way home
the magic of baby eyes
the northeast corner of high street and canal
the offbeat
the only exception
The Partners: The Third Murder
the peculiar beauty of lonely daffodils
The Royal Pains of Kim Junmyeon
the shape of you against me
The Song of Silence
the thinking place
the truth of lies (is that there’s none)
the tyranny of distance
the vanishing act of byun baekhyun
the way you look beneath the stars
The Winner Takes It All
Then Came You
then, your heart drops
this isn't a fairytale
this time (i'm ready to run)
three plus two equals love
through the night
thunder and lightning ain't shit
To Dye or Not to Dye
to make a vampire blush
to taste the chlorine on your lips (is to remove lipstick stains on mine)
to the rooftop we go
to what it once was
to you
Too Hot. Hot Damn. Call the Noise Policeman Not the Fireman
total chaos
try hard
tutor me, baekhyun!
twist my plot and i'll twist yours
two asses (are better than one)
part 1
part 2
two weeks notice
under construction
under his nose
unfinished song
until i met you (love was as elusive as mini black holes)
unusual procedures
Us & Our
vlogging pregnancy journey
voglia di equilibrio
waiting game
we found love in a hopeless place
We make a great pear
we'll make it work, we always do
we've got a situation here
weapons of mass distraction
wear your heart piece in your sleeve
weird is cute
what's better than i love you
when chances fade
chances are
When Chanyeol read 10080
when hope fades away
when i look at you
when i'm dreaming, you don't seem so far
when in ikea
when words fail, music speaks
when you play with fire (it burns)
where the seas stay the same
Where there is Light, the Warmth will Follow
while you were sleeping
whisper dirty french into my ear
why like this
wiggle that ass (make it shake like jello)
wilder mind
will of the stars
will you marry me
without you to hold, i'd be freezing
won’t waste a minute without you
wonderful day
wrong door
you belong with me
you cause me pain (but i think i like it)
you found me
you had me at hello
you look good in my hat
You Make It Sound So Simple
you need to stop
you remind me of no one
you take breath my away
you took a pizza my heart
you want me (to fall on my head)
you were always the one for me
you'll always be super to me, babe
you're like a vacuum cleaner, because you suck
you're my favorite
you're my love song
you're my no.1
you've ruined all my favorite songs
Youtuber series
사랑해 (I Love You)
あったかいんだからぁ♪ (Because It's Warm)
oct 30 2014 ∞
jan 5 2019 +