the idols of my soul .

  • sara . ( one must be beguiled by the golden queen . she sits in the belly of a castle in a forgotten land where snow & lovers fall to her light - armored feet . no fireplace can burn her , for she is the sun . )
  • tara . ( i asked a field of roses who they stood by for , & in blushing voices , they chorused your name . )
  • vi . ( & a siren never had so sweet a smile , & a killer queen never had hands so gentle , & an empress never had this voice that could lull an ocean to sleep & call a battle to arms in the same breath . )
  • amy . ( when i speak to her , i hear the echoes of a thousand heroes that could only be found on stages & between pages . the look of her changes with the seasons , like a flower that blooms year - round . )
  • teavy . ( these words of hers sound familiar . she warms a heart that i left in a hundred year old house - i realized that i have been waiting my entire life for this princess to come home . )
  • lauren . ( the sound of the bowstring warring with the wind could not drown out your sigh . )
  • pam . ( i do not read the storybooks on your shelf for fear that you will crawl back into them & become a still painting on page . a valiant legend that is untouchable , forevermore . )
feb 11 2017 ∞
nov 12 2017 +