- attend a concert
- attend a drive-in theater
- attend an outdoor cinema
- be admitted to a mental hospital
- beat a video game (preferably Ocarina of Time)
- buy a Bonsai tree
- buy a record player
- buy hair extensions
- buy my first pair of heels
- buy Oxfords
- convert to Buddhism or visit some kind of Buddhist retreat
- cover up the holes in bedroom walls
- create a successful workout schedule
- date somebody... boy, girl, both/neither
- do weekly chores
- don't cut hair ever you dumb twat
- okay, except for the fringe...
- dye hair blonde
- experiment with drugs (preferably marijuana)
- find a job
- finish this list by copying stuff from blogspot list
- get a passport
- get cell phone fixed or buy a new one
- get down to 7 stone
- get ears re-pierced
- get L plates
- get rid of widow's peak
- get teeth whitened
- go back to school with cousin
- go out, but only if comfortable
- just be myself?
- leave after semester if desired, or year
- go bike riding
- go on a cruise
- go skinny dipping
- go through old childhood photographs
- go to the gym
- have first kiss
- have my first real drink
- learn how to apply fake eyelashes
- learn how to do a dive
- learn how to do the splits
- live a day without technology
- lose "it"
- make a real friend
- make origami (specifically to hang from ceiling hook)
- measure self properly then go bra shopping
- practice heated yoga
- read Edward Gorey book
- read every Salinger book
- ride a horse
- see entire Greta Garbo filmography
- sell something on eBay
- smoke a cigarette
- start reading again
- stop eating fast food, or at least reduce consumption to once a month
- swim at the beach
- take both dogs for a walk
- travel by train
- try cherry pie
- try waxing at home
- or at least find a better way to remove body hair
- visit a fortuneteller
- visit a tea house
- watch entire Dekalog series
- write to Lauren Bacall
dec 19 2011 ∞
dec 20 2017 +