- Maintenance
- Laundry
- Clean my room
- Pluck my eyebrows
- Homework
- English
- Immigration thing
- check syllabus for what I have to do for tomorrow and Friday.
- write 2-3 pages of career paper
- Psych
- Study for exam on thursday!
- Criminal Justice
- 8 page paper on Public Safety
- Drawing
- Catch up on Journal drawings -- STOP BEING A SLACKER
- Perspective drawing, due after break.
-* Start thinking about Vanitas final.
- French
- Check Syllabus for what I missed/what I need to do.
- Over Break
- Find Psych business card and contact her.
- look into volunteering at old colony corrections.
- Message Debby to make sure I can come to Vermont.
- Whiten teeth!
- writing studio app
mar 5 2013 ∞
jun 25 2013 +