Irate Mastermind's listography
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"I exist in two places.
Here, and where you are."
— Margaret Atwood, "Corpse Song"
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(five things i'm grateful for daily - april 2017)
01 -
That I was able to be compassionate with Michelle
That my Brothers are there to help me
That I get to help Michelle
For being on good medication
That I have a plan
02 -
That Michelle wakes me up
For not waking up dead
For not having an episode
That I get put up with
For having enough
03 -
That Michelle makes me coffee
For being able to choose
That I was able to be there for Michelle
That chocolate therapy is a thing that exists
That Michelle is as she is
04 -
That I have a good job
That Michelle is alright
For being able to work at what I love
For having been shown Habitica by Michelle
That Michelle is around
05 -
That Michelle is so emphatic when she's gaming
That I get to watch Michelle game
That the rent got paid
That there is plenty of food
That I get to be helpful when Michelle is having a hard time
06 -
That I spent under budget at the grocery store
For getting Michelle chocolate cake
That there is more rain
That Stubbs sat in my lap
That I had Froot Loops for breakfast
07 -
That I was able to help Michelle
That Michelle puts up with me
For being able to keep an eye out
That My Brothers are helpful
That I made it to work safely
08 -
That I got a new certification
That by mail prescription refills is a thing that exists
That I got out of class early
For having more of a grip in spite of being tired
That I get to do things like make an apology
09 -
That I get to give Michelle massages
For being able to see what's going on
That I made it to work safely
For having enough
That Michelle still smiles sometimes
10 -
That I got to work safely
That I got everything sorted for work
That I'm in good health
That Michelle leaves her mark
That Michelle is alright
11 -
That I didn't wake up dead
That I have a good job
For having an interview for a better position
That I have such an opportunity
For being able to breathe
12 -
That I got Michelle two things she's wanted candy wise
That someone is talking to me
For having filled out the groceries
That We talked about how the night would go
For having gotten moving in short order
13 -
For having gotten to a meeting in spite of myself
That Michelle managed to get me up
That I have an opportunity for more work
For Michelle's incredible graciousness
14 -
That We were able to talk something over without it turning into a fight
That I got up feeling alright
That Michelle is doing alright
That I get to do things differently
That one of my Brothers is even talking to me a little bit
15 -
That I got to make coffee for the men's meeting
For getting to go to my last meeting in San Leandro
That one of my Brothers still talks to me, even a little
That Im able, and get, to help Michelle
That Michelle even talks to me at all
16 -
That I get reminded why I love Michelle
That I didn't wake up dead
That I have enough food
For being able to work at what I love
That I have the capacity for honesty
17 -
That I got Michelle to smile
For getting to acquire flowers for Michelle
That Michelle puts up with me and my disorder
For getting more rain
That I ran into someone I used to train with
18 -
That I get to massage Michelle's head when it hurts
That I get to listen to Michelle game
That I managed some sleep in spite of myself
For being able to help Michelle
That I'm not a total waste of genetic material
19 -
That I got the shopping done
For being able to manage myself better
That I get put up with
That there is enough
For nicer weather
20 -
That I haven't completely fucked up
That I can salvage something out of the night
For being something approaching rational
That I've had a good breakfast
That there is coffee
21 -
That I didn't wake up dead
That Michelle woke me up
That I get to fix myself
That I have enough
That im healthy
22 -
That no one left
That I was able to help Michelle
For having thought to take my extra medicine
That I'm holding it together
For more definite spring shaped weather
23 -
That I get to eat dinner with Michelle most nights
That I'm not waking up dead
That I have the means to manage
That I have options moving forward
For quiet drives to/from work
24 -
That it was a nice day
For Michelle
That I'm healthy
That I have a good plot
For quiet shifts
25 -
That my last prescription arrived
That Michelle is the sensible one
That We have a plan for Wednesday
That We're starting to discuss things together and not fight about them
That cold brew coffee is a thing that exists
26 -
That I had a quiet shift
That I made it in safely
That Michelle is alright
For being on top of my game
That I get to do things for Michelle
27 -
That I get to live sober
For having enough
For not waking up dead
That Michelle keeps putting up with me
For having something approaching a life
28 -
That I got food done early
That I was able to help Michelle
That I haven't been completely written off
That I didn't flip right out
For having a good job
29 -
That Michelle was alright when I got in
That Michelle had smiles for me today
That I got good news about the mail I sent
That I'll most likely have new opportunities
That I've learned from my missteps
30 -
That I got to protect Michelle
That the AC works, and We found out before it got too hot outside
That Michelle shared her food with me
That We watched Cohhh play a silly game
That Michelle helped me get past a difficult level on Kami
apr 2 2017 ∞
may 2 2017 +