Irate Mastermind's listography
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"I exist in two places.
Here, and where you are."
— Margaret Atwood, "Corpse Song"
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(five things i'm grateful for daily - august 2016)
01 -
That I managed to have most of the day not go badly
That I made Michelle smile
That Michelle enjoys having cable
For having the presence of mind to keep it together
That I have my health
02 -
For Michelle
For ice cream
That there is food
That I can work
For nice days
03 -
For being able to go to treatment
For having choices
That I can get better
That there is a place for me to go
For Michelle laying things out
04 -
For being able to make Michelle breakfast
For the book Michelle got me to write in
For being seen
That I have more sense than the average
For getting to make coffee at meetings
05 -
That I get to make breakfast for Michelle
For my Brothers
For Michelle continuing to put up with me and my disorder
That I get to be helpful
That Michelle has Nutella
06 -
That Michelle still loves me
That We have a date
That I have a book to write in for recovery things
For having video games to play
That Michelle wakes me up with coffee
07 -
That We agreed about a new person that was on site when I got in
For having had a case of good sense
That We have people looking out for Us
For being told things that go on when I'm in an episode
For being in relative good health
08 -
That Michelle was with me at group
That We didn't have a disaster
For having enough work
That it's not so hot
That Michelle loves me
09 -
That We looked at a house, and got ideas for it
For having a clue
That there is plenty of food
That We have a path forward in the home buying process
That Michelle is so nerdy
10 -
That I have a good therapist
For Michelle continuing to put up with me while I get better
For paying attention
For having enough of everything We need
That I got everything paid in a timely fashion
11 -
That Michelle woke up there
For having the right idea
That I was able to correctly figure things out
That We have options for where to go
That We have options for what to do
12 -
That Michelle gave had ideas for what We should do
That Michelle ate breakfast this morning
That We can actually make decisions
For having a choice in how We do things
That We found less expensive places to possibly live
13 -
That I was able to get Michelle her favourite Starbucks tea
That there is goodness in this world
That I get to make coffee for my meetings
That Michelle told me about her reservations concerning going to Stockton
That We were able to make alternative plans
14 -
That We have a plan for finding a new place
That Michelle has everything she needs
That We've found some places worth considering
For having a good car
That Michelle still loves me
15 -
For having found inexpensive housing options
For finding something new that Michelle likes for food
For having a nice quiet drive
That I still get put up with
That work was quiet
16 -
For reconnecting with my therapist
For getting ideas as to how to go about minimising my disorder's negative effects
For having enough
That Michelle is alright
That my Brothers still put up with me
17 -
For having a good group
For being okay with making a 1.5 - 2 hour commute, after We move
For having the time to make some food, and get a nap
That Michelle has good people in her life
For having some sense
18 -
That Michelle is in this world
That today wasn't a complete and total disaster
That I'm seeing just how much a mess things are
That I get to make coffee
That We have a place to live
19 -
For having good internet
For being able to drive
For Michelle putting up with me, in spite of it
That I am in reasonably good health
For having enough food
20 -
That I got to watch Michelle catch Pokemons
That she had enough to eat
That We had a nice drive back from Modesto
That nothing happened while We were there
That there are Pokestops near the house
21 -
That I killed a spider for Michelle
That I got to make Michelle breakfast
For getting the calls made that I needed to
For having enough food for work
For being woke up with coffee
22 -
That Michelle ate her breakfast
For having a good group
That I'm making some sort of progress
That I get to do things
For nice days
23 -
For being able to get Michelle the new Deus Ex
For getting out to get groceries
For having a plan for my license
For being able to help Michelle
That the dogs like me
24 -
That Michelle is enjoying Mankind Divided
That I have tools to work with dealing with pissant
For having the means to do things I'd like to do
That I got to go to group
That Michelle shares things with me
25 -
That Michelle will do what's necessary
That I got my licensed renewed, with all the changes made
That there is chocolate therapy to give Michelle
That Michelle keeps waking me up with coffee
That I get to make Michelle breakfast
26 -
For being able to get Michelle to eat, even when she doesn't really want to
For having enough food to choose from
That Michelle liked the Americone Dream
That Deus Ex is a thing that exists, and Michelle loves it
For Michelle being in my life
27 -
That I got told what pissant had done
That Michelle told me about the Empower Mint ice cream
That Michelle continues to put up with me
That We have a plan for apartment hunting
That Michelle is so amazing
28 -
That Michelle is alive
That I'm alive
That I'm in reasonably good health
For nice weather
That I have enough of the things I need
29 -
That no one I know died
That Michelle woke me up, even though she shouldn't have
That We found where to replace the cable box
That Michelle ate really well today
That the accident I was in wasn't a bad one
30 -
That I made it to therapy
That it was a nice day
That I got most things done
That I successfully surprised Michelle with more chocolate therapy
For being able to make food for Michelle
31 -
That Michelle made me food
That I heard from the therapist at Second Chance
That We are talking about just where to move
That Michelle likes her new shirt
That We got the refund check in the mail
aug 1 2016 ∞
sep 1 2016 +