- visual novels
- higurashi
- umineko
- ciconia ♡
- higanbana ♡
- subahibi ♡
- tsui no sora remake ♡
- milk outside a bag of milk
- q.u.q.
- katawa shoujo
- va-11 hall-a
- rpgmaker games
- ghost suburb ii ♡
- ghost suburb 0
- black souls ♡
- black souls 2 ♡
- home (off fangame)
- lisa the painful+joyful
- yume nikki
- yume nikki fangames
- .flow
- yume 2kki
- ive played more fangames than just these but not finished them lol
- deep-sea prisoner games
- wadanohara and the great blue sea
- mogeko castle
- hylics
- end roll
- off
- hello charlotte
- flesh blood and concrete
- fausts alptraum
- animanga
- shimeji simulation ♡
- girls last tour ♡
- franken fran ♡
- hidamari sketch
- haibane renmei
- obsolete dream
- rozen maiden
- lucky star
- flcl
- the tatami galaxy
- goodnight punpun
- bocchi the rock
- kaiba 2008
- mission-chan's great adventure
- angel's egg
- cat soup
- paranoia agent
- paprika
- video games in general
- touhou ♡
- koishi komeiji's heart throbbing adventure ♡
- touhou mystia's izakaya
- pathologic ♡
- cave story
- hylics 2
- silent hill 1 to 3
- lsd dream emulator
- mother 3
- muse dash
- momodora
- pokemon
- mouthwashing
- other
jan 6 2022 ∞
dec 26 2024 +