- susumu hirasawa ♡
- p-model
- kaku p-model
- his solo albums
- his soundtrack work
- mandrake
- jun togawa ♡
- yapoos
- guernica
- her solo albums
- nashimoto ui ♡
- iruka no yume de sayonara
- devi mccallion
- cats millionaire
- girls rituals
- mom
- koronba/koronba inspired artists
- x0o0x
- x髥莏
- and whatever else krnb i find within the depths of youtube
- shinsei kamattechan
- powapowa-p
- wowaka
- nekobolo
- chemlab
- wumpscut
- clams
- kinoko teikoku
- my bloody valentine
- hate in the box
- my dead girlfriend
- kitsune^2
- osamu sato
- video game osts
- silent hill 2/3
- umineko wtc
- ghost suburb ii
- etc etc
jan 6 2022 ∞
feb 6 2025 +