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notes (League of Legends Sites)
jan 19 2016
television (Tv Shows)
jan 19 2016
games (League of Legends Champions)
jan 16 2016
television (Anime)
oct 13 2015
magazines (Manga)
jul 19 2015
music (Seen Live)
jul 19 2015
hobbies (Social)
oct 25 2014
movies (2014)
dec 31 2014
educational (grades 2013/2014)
jul 23 2015
educational (grades 2014/2015)
jul 23 2015
books (read 2014)
jan 3 2015
to do (2014 resolutions)
jan 3 2015
books (read 2013)
aug 10 2014
to do (2013 expectations)
apr 22 2014
movies (2012)
apr 22 2014
movies (2013)
jan 3 2014