Hello! I'm glad you found my listo, I hope you stick around if I'm not too boring haha;;

I'm Sheree and I'm very very very into Bungo Stray Dogs now (I hope I will be into it forever tbh) and that's all I scream and spam retweets about on my account (twitter: @dazaiosamuwu), especially about Dazai Osamu. If my screams/spams are bothering you, I sincerely apologise and you may mute me, however if you find something you like about my account, feel free to follow me if you'd like! I try not to post Dead Apple Spoilers until it comes out in my country, but I am not Novel Spoilers free.

This account has been here since 2014 but it has always been on private because I am very afraid of disturbing/offending others, as well as interacting with other users as I have multiple bad experiences on social media when I was younger...I'm opening my account as public now because I have been lurking in the BSD community for as long as I can remember and would really like to try and make some friends with same interests along the way ^^ Also I used an online tweets deleter which was a mistake and now although you cannot see my 14K tweets, the no. is still there lolol (btw the username is a joke which somehow stayed haha)

I also have an art twitter account, @arteasteac_99 , where I post my artworks, although most of them are BSD contents, I hope you take a look! :3

If anyone thinks I'm cool enough to drop a dm, do feel free to do so ;u; I would be really happy to talk to you and be friends although I'm not one who starts conversations on my own easily ;u;

Thanks for reading!!

mar 13 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +