• more manageable
  • doesn't tangle therefore...
  • ...I don't lose as much hair
  • When combing, hair isn't a tangled mess
  • I can run my fingers from the roots down to the tips without much trouble
  • My hair falls flat - it's not puffy
  • It moves
  • Looks darker
  • no frizziness
  • soft
  • Shinier
  • It's no longer coarse. It's such silky soft. It's so soft that my hair doesn't stay up in a ponytail
  • isn't hard to manage after washing
  • it's manageable in the morning, not coarse, crunchy and shedding
  • I don't wake up with a bed full of lose strands of hair
  • With shampoo - I would lose hair before, during, and after washing my hair. IT was such a painful process
  • Heat transforms my hair


  • Wash with Wen
    • Twice rince
    • Focus on ends
  • Put styling creme to wet hair
  • The key is to let your hair mostly air dry then apply a heat protectant and blow dry in sections.
  • Take sections and blow dry with a rounded brush.


  • Don't wash your hair every day. Dries it out. Space out hair washes. Let the natural oils release. Every few days is fine.
  • PRE-WASH :-
    • Apply Hair oil a few hours before washing and keep under shower cap so it really absorbs under the heat.
    • The oil makes coily, kinky, coarse hair smoother.
    • Apply oil in sections, particularly on the top layer which is more dry and needs a lot more moisture.
    • Don’t over apply and go overboard with too much oil either.
    • Onion juice to the scalp
    • Egg treatment mask - 1 egg, honey, coconut oil -- the egg really coats and moisturizes and the honey adds shine
    • Shampoo scalp to clean.
    • Let conditioner sit for a few minutes to absorb.
    • Cold water in the end to close the cuticle.
    • Make sure to completely rinse/wash out all the product off the hair by the end - both the Shampoo & Conditioner.
    • Once hair is washed out, don't linger in the shower. Is the moisture causing my hair to frizz?
    • Wash hair few hours before going to bed so you have time to let it air dry.
    • Don’t fall asleep with wet hair. Scalp gets flaky and creates buildup. Also, wet hair is more fragile and prone to breakage
    • Don’t brush through wet hair. Will cause more breakage and hair fall.
    • Don’t keep touching hair, especially while it's wet and drying.
    • Don’t freak out if it’s poofy straight after washing. Day 1 is always like that. It’ll calm down by Day 3.
  • Applying heat always seems to give me really frizzy, dry hair after.
  • Tangles = hair fall.
  • Get regular trims. Keeps it fresh and clean. Also reduces hair fall bc fewer tangles.
  • Consider a deep conditioning mask every once in a while.
  • Since my top layer is the problem hair by being extra frizzy, apply a deep conditioner to just the top layer.
  • Can take sections of top layer of hair when it feels especially frizzy and apply a mask and let it sit and then rinse it off.
  • Reconsider your shampoo and conditioner.
    • Don't use anything astringent that will strip your hair of moisture.
    • Sulfate free products only
  • Don’t use Dry Shampoo - causes hair fall. My hair doesn't generally need it anyway, unless I'm really pushing out my hair washes.
  • Defined curls = moisturized hair. Frizzy = dry.
  • JULY 2020 UPDATE
    • looks nourished and shiny vs dry and parched for moisture
    • looks darker
    • definitely feels softer
    • not as many loose strands and hair fall
    • there's movement
feb 11 2013 ∞
aug 9 2020 +