oiii sarah, espero que você tenha gostado desse humilde presente mas que eu fiz com muito carinho! você é uma pessoa muito especial para mim, e também muito importante. te conheci numa das piores fases que eu já tive mas você ajudou a deixar tudo mais fácil, mesmo que fosse por apenas me distrair com uma partida de uno no meio da madrugada. eu lembro que uma vez você disse para mim e para a julia que nós eramos anjos jogadores de uno que entraram na sua vida e eu digo com toda a certeza que vocês duas são isso para mim também! obrigada por todo o encorajamento que você me dá, também lembro que você me fez uma playlist para ir ouvindo quando as aulas do cursinho iam voltar e lá era o ultimo lugar que eu queria estar, e isso deixou tudo um pouco mais suportável para mim, era muito bom saber que tinha alguém que se importava e tava me apoiando. quero te dizer que se você precisar de qualquer coisinha eu to aqui, pode me mandar mensagem sempre que quiser!!! você merece tudo de melhor nesse mundo. espero que se você estiver tendo um dia difícil você ache algum conforto nas fotos que eu coloquei aqui para você e vou colocar também a letra de uma música de bts que sempre me faz sentir melhor. te amo <3 ps: saramanda invencível no ludo

Same day, same moon 24/7 every moment repeats My life is in between Jobless twenty-somethings are afraid of tomorrow It’s funny, you think anything is possible when you’re a kid When you feel how hard it is to get through a day Keep feeling like the “Control” beat, keep downloading it Every single day is a repetition of ctrl+c, ctrl+v I have a long way to go but why am I running in place? I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes I hope tomorrow will be different from today I’m just wishing Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down, oh better Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down, don’t ever run backwards, never Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break Don’t give up, you know Don’t get too far away, tomorrow Don’t get far away, tomorrow Don’t get too far away, tomorrow The tomorrow we’ve been waiting for becomes the name of yesterday at some point Tomorrow becomes today, today becomes yesterday, tomorrow becomes yesterday and is behind me Life isn’t about living along but living through As you live through, you’ll disappear some day If you keep spacing out, you’ll be swept away, if you ain’t no got the guts, trust It’ll all become yesterday anyway so what’s the use? I wanted to become happy and strong but why am I getting weaker? Where am I going? I’m going here and there but I always come back here Yeah, I’ll probably flow somewhere, is there an end to this maze? I have a long way to go but why am I running in place? I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes I hope tomorrow will be different from today I’m just wishing Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down, oh better Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down,don’t ever run backwards, never Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break Don’t give up, you know Don’t get too far away, tomorrow Tomorrow, keep walking, we’re too young to stop Tomorrow, open the door, we see too much to shut the door When the dark night passes, a bright morning will come When tomorrow comes, the bright light will shine so don’t worry This isn’t a stop but just a pause in your life for a break Turn up your thumbs and press play so everyone can see Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down, oh better Follow your dream like breaker Even if it breaks down, don’t ever run backwards, never Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break Don’t give up, you know Don’t get too far away, tomorrow Don’t get far away, tomorrow Don’t get too far away, tomorrow

jan 18 2018 ∞
jan 18 2018 +