
  • I want to travel to these places. I don't want to just stare at these photos of art work. I want to go there. I want to experience them.
  • I want to improve myself as a photographer.
  • I cannot get a hold of anybody.
  • I need to eat healthier.
  • I need to be punctual.
  • I want more time in the studio. Why don't I make time? What am I doing most of the time? Why am I not making that my major?
  • What photographic style do I have?
  • I need sleep.
  • where are my friends?

GOD, You heard the groans of Your people in the desert. Lord, You hear my cries for help. Please, fill my soul with peace and love. The things around me are bringing me down and I'm looking up at You for rest, Lord. You made me--me who is wonderfully and fearfully made. You know my thoughts before I think them Lord God. When I gaze at nature around me, I know that You are the greatest designer Lord. And you are the Designer of my life. Lord, I don't know where You're taking me. But I'm trusting You made a beautiful design out of my life, Lord. Lord, I believe you are implanting thoughts in my mind and desires in my heart. Lord, I believe that everything that is going on is because of the great plans You have in store of me. You are the Designer of my Life God. I pray you reassure me and give me strength and clarity of mind and a peace in my heart.

oct 15 2013 ∞
nov 13 2016 +