• being expected to carry something for someone who won't carry a purse
  • being the first one at any party
  • dirty dishes in the sink
  • hair in the shower drain
  • not washing hands after using the bathroom
  • people that burp loudly in public
  • people who always have to be right and have the last word
  • people who are always late
  • people who blow their nose at the dinner table or in the kitchen when you're eating or cooking
  • people who borrow stuff and never give it back
  • people who bring their babies to the movies
  • people who clear their throats in a disgusting way
  • people who constantly use the word "swag"
  • people who don't hold the elevator for you
  • people who don't know the difference between its/it’s and they’re /their/there
  • people who don't say "thank you" or even acknowledge you when you hold the door for them
  • people who go the wrong way in a parking lot
  • sick people who cough near you
  • spoilers
  • the sound of clocks ticking
  • things sticking out of drawers
  • websites with horizontal scrolling
  • when people change the TV channel without asking
  • when people don't rinse their dishes before they put them in the sink
  • when someone hover over my shoulder when i'm writing something or using a computer
  • when someone starts to watch a show or movie in the middle of it and expect you to tell them what's happening
  • when something I've been into for a long time becomes popular
  • when you peel off a label and it leaves adhesive on the item
nov 13 2011 ∞
dec 7 2011 +