- He unclogs the toilet when I over-use the toilet paper.
- He moves the cars at 0200am so we won't get an overnight parking ticket.
- Two words: Those Eyes.
- What a great Dad. I mean, I don't really think I know anyone that excels in the parent department like he does.
- He has is priorities in order.
- He is God-fearing.
- I can pretty much buy anything I want. Sounds materialistic, I know. But, he never limits my spending or prevents me from splurging a little bit.
- He has great taste in shoes.
- He's mine. All mine. Muahahahahaha.
- Whenever I change plans at the last minute, he doesn't complain. Even though when he makes minor changes in the schedule...I FLIP OUT.
- He keeps ALL negative comments to himself. Very good at self restraint.
feb 27 2009 ∞
mar 1 2009 +