• intensity: the personality is surrounded by a very powerful field, you see the world as a place to master.
      • + definitive, keenly perceptive, deeply emotional, determined, irresistible, charismatic, formidable
      • misunderstood, manipulative, revengeful, overbearing, secretive, jealous, turbulent, destructive, out to win
  • enthusiasm: you have a positive nature with the gift of laughter. here’s an adventurous, free loving spirit who sees the bigger, philosophical picture. you have a gift for story and the honest, if exaggerated, heart of things. a risk taker and not one to be confined or wait, there is an impatient nature or general restlessness. sometimes you spread yourself too thin not wanting to miss anything with a tendency to overreach and avoid details. however, an enjoyment of life, a good natured attitude and the breadth of vision draw many friends. there’s always an attachment to potential and a natural exuberance at play.
      • + optimistic, adventurous, freedom loving, expansive, jovial, creative, lucky, mythic and iconic
      • blindly optimistic, tactless, irresponsible, distracted, restless, chaotic, unstable, reckless
  • gregarious heart: quick to receive sensory impressions from the outside blue is more comfortable with information than pure emotion. tendency to filter the emotions through the intellect. blue can cool and hide the truth of the heart but will compensate by bringing friendliness and versatility to the personality. sometimes the heart finds true inspiration.
      • + quick verbal response, fun loving, clever, flexible, adaptable, fast
      • frivolous, impatient, restless, unpredictable and detached
feb 15 2024 ∞
feb 15 2024 +