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I'm a girl with an affinity for literature, old films, lace, the 80's, messy hair, Harry Potter, fictional romances, collar bones, and lilacs.

"What's bizarre? I mean, we're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."
-Andrew, The Breakfast Club

furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
places (Restaurants to try)
Thomas music (concerts I've been to)
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  • I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I love old films and most especially old songs. Oh, back when music was actually good.
  • I'm mostly an introvert. It's not obvious, but mostly, I like to keep to myself.
  • Lots of words in the English language confuse me. Take 'loofah', for example. I don't know what gives me the heeby jeebies more-- the fuzzy feel of it or the fact that it's called a 'loofah'.
  • I like to bury my face in books. From Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Milan Kundera, J.K. Rowling, to Chuck Palahniuk and Stephen King. You name it.
  • I am neurotic, opaque, and drunk with fascination.
  • I'm either a very optimistic misanthrope, or a very cynical philanthropist.
  • I am a huge comic book/graphic novel/sci-fi geek. Frodo, Luke Skywalker, and Thor are my homeboys!
  • I'm a lomography and chocolate mint enthusiast.
  • I like to describe my style as very much out there. It's a little bit of everything - avant-garde, androgynous, monochromatic, 80's grunge, boho, nautical. The list goes on.
  • I am in wide revolt against myself.
oct 3 2010 ∞
oct 3 2010 +