

  • excess baggage junmyeon is about to leave seoul for good. his friend, jongdae, helps him pack things and feelings up.
  • foolproof plan my fall semester strategy is to submit my papers with a nude selfie.
  • instilled habits and hazy thoughts somewhere between sitting under the absence of stars and blurred understanding, the two best friends fall in love.
  • nurse me better when exo-m's nightmare comes true, junmyeon's the only person who can save them.
  • pretty boy polaroids change is often involuntary but necessary, as is love.
  • s.u.h.o jongdae makes a private document and accidentally sends it out to the entire company. He could only come up with one solution: make a virus to delete the copies.
  • suddenly the air is new semi-domestic!au/kid!fic. joonmyun falls in love with the new nanny.
  • the difference between dreams and reality in which jongdae is a man of murder and joonmyun has a way of saying his name
  • touchstone
  • won't get off my mind baekhyun is, for some reason, convinced that forcing jongdae to attend a sleepover party with the sunbae he has a crush on is a good idea.

to read:

jul 3 2014 ∞
jul 21 2014 +