In which I was feeling perfectly sarcastic and was on a roll so I had to make a list on (Warning: quite long sarcastic and bitter remarks abound!)

  • Private Facebook profiles! Spoils all the fun for stalkers out there (which is EXACTLY the point of those private profiles, anyway)
  • Agonizingly slow internet (interchangeable adverb, depending on the mood)
  • Traffic when you're about to be late for something (and whose fault would that be (when you woke up late or are just plain lazy)? The traffic's, of course!)
  • Songs that other people are LSS-ing on and it just gets too annoying having to hear it every single day of your life (concrete example: LAST DANCE BY THE RAVEONETTES)
  • Wannabes of any kind (no example or nasty side comment because I'm trying to be niceā€¦ or because it's self-explanatory, anyway)
  • Stinky, dirty bathrooms (Self-explanatory, also because I'm sort of a clean freak)
  • Stuff you want to buy but can't because it's too expensive
  • The sad truth that ~life is unfair~ (Can be interpreted in any way; can you feel the bitterness?
  • Attention seekers badly needing attention and doing it the bad way that just makes you think bad things about them, making you list this in your list of things you dislike right now (pfff redundancy, I intended that though, sorry for making it too long)
  • Disgustingly slow internet when you're downloading some stuff (Told ya it's interchangeable; but that doesn't stop you from downloading, eh?)
  • Douches in general (Mitchell Musso? Lol)
  • That awkwardness you feel when you're forced to be grouped with random people from your class (no it doesn't tick me off as much as the aforementioned ones, I just felt like mentioning)
  • People getting annoyingly enthusiastic at something WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN THE MOOD (emphasis on the all-caps, please, it's not bad getting all hyper about something (especially on something you like/are interested in) if you just feel like it, it only gets annoying when somebody does and it just so happens I'm not in the mood to see you like that)
  • When people misunderstand your intentions in general (doesn't it make you want to punch them in the face?)
  • When people chat you up and you're not in the mood for it (hey, I'm not the most sociable person on earth, and certainly not the cheeriest one either)
  • When you accidentally do something you shouldn't have done and you immediately regret doing so and attempt suicide but that's certainly just pushing it so you move on (example: accidentally deleting files, stopping downloads, that sorta stuff)
  • When someone asks you to do a task so painfully easy and simple that they should've just done it on their own
  • Lol I hadn't realized that this list is too long but I'll never stop updating!
may 16 2011 ∞
may 29 2015 +