• hello there i'm leofwyn!!
  • i'm 23 slutty slutty years old
  • pronouns you can use for me are they/them, oce/ocean, and sea/seas!
  • my laundry list of identities are nonbinary, agender, butch lesbian, trixic (nblw), asexual, quoiromantic, queer, lovequeer, and polyamorous
  • (side note: queer is a comfy word for referring to me but you are allowed to not feel that way!! i am simply just saying it is a me word)
  • i live in ohio if you care about that. free me
  • hello homestucks i am a derse-dreaming sylph of heart and a sagisces in the extended zodiac
  • add me on swinch! sw-6387-7658-7677 (tell me if you do this)
  • ask for my discord if you need it!!
mar 25 2020 ∞
nov 23 2021 +