Don't bother interacting with me if (this is probably 'gonna be the long one):

  • You're gross towards kids, real or fictional. Including but not limited to: Sexualizing kids, making/consuming drawn CP (loli/shota included ofc), CONSUMING NON-DRAWN CP, you're a pedophile apologist, and you think violent art (i.e. guro) of kids is okay. I also think it's a little weird if you're well above the age of 18 (22+) and sexualize people (real or fictional) of this age, but I'm a bit alone on that school of thought.
  • You're into kinks/fetishes like bestiality, noncon, etc.
  • You consume/make feral porn.
  • You're an anti-SJW, anti-BLM, anti-feminist, etc.
  • This should go without saying but don't follow me if you're racist, and/or against religions like Islam and Judaism. Also just...don't follow me if you're an annoying atheist, I don't have time for that.
  • You're gross towards trans people (TERF, transmisogynist, truscum, etc.). This also includes consuming/making trans fetishizing art, and using slurs (t*anny, s*emale, h*erm, c*ntboy, t*ap, f*ta, etc.). Even if *you're* trans and use these terms, I really don't want you following me.
  • You're homophobic, biphobic, etc.
  • You're ableist and/or against self-diagnosing (before you ask, no, my disorders aren't self-diagnosed, but not everyone can afford help like me).
  • You excessively make fun of kin/otherkin/fickin. A few jokes here and there is fine, but if you're a "Ha ha I'm kin with *insert thing no one is kin with here*" person, and you make these jokes ALL THE TIME, then don't follow me.
  • You ship gross things (incest, abuse, pedophilia, etc.).
  • You ship real people. Thinking 2 real life people who aren't together would make a cute couple is one thing, but making content (writing fanfic, drawing art, making edits, etc.) and being suuuuper invested in it is another.
  • You're under 18. My accounts really aren't all that NSFW (usually just a dumb joke or risqué thing here and there), but I just don't want people under 18 following me.
jan 20 2018 ∞
jan 21 2018 +