- I use Windows, not Linux. I have an Ubuntu installation CD, however...but I have too many Windows-only music applications to switch.
- I have never played Dungeons & Dragons, though I know how.
- I have never played and never will play Magic: The Gathering
- I don't know Python script.
- I am good at sports.
- I have a girlfriend.
- My girlfriend is hot
- And she's not a nerd. (She is becoming one though. She can solve a Rubiks cube; has racked up like 80 hours playing Elder Scrolls IV; and reads XKCD, which she discovered on her own, and she doesn't get most of the references, which is a good thing)
- I am a musician, which is sexy.
- I wasn't in the chess club.
- I can't speak Klingon
- I only know Pi to the 8th digit after the decimal.
- I've never masturbated to ASCII porn
may 9 2008 ∞
aug 26 2010 +