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Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

listography NEW NEWS
  • I have gone through life with my face up against the glass, occasionally catching the window down for those sweet moments of perfecton. (OKC)
  • all who wander are not lost (OD)
  • a real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real (myspace)
  • What are friends for? feeding one another when food isn't enough. that's what. (SL)
  • For now, I'm searching for the things in life that have eluded me thus far. I want to know passion. I want to feel accepted for who I really am, not the facade I present to the world. (OKC)
  • "All my life they said I was going down, but I'm still standing, stronger, proud.And today I know there's so much more I can be." (Queensryche - "Someone Else?")
  • "When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking." -- Albert Einstein
  • There needs to be a left wing and a right wing for the eagle to fly. (author unknown)
  • play in the pouring rain, dance when there’s no music, walk barefoot in the sand, lay under the stars, love like no other, share secrets with friends, laugh until it hurts, & remeber every minute of it. (OD)
  • how I will never stop becoming who I will ultimately be.. and how I can keep reshaping myself to become the woman I dream of being (OKC)
  • Traveling down the road life leads me, bumping into those pesky forks seemingly a few wrong turns. Then learning a life's lesson along the way... (OKC)
  • Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything" –PLATO
  • Friendship – one soul in two bodies. (aristotle)
  • "Expectation is the root of all heartache." - William Shakespeare
  • The pendulum can only swing far enough to scare YOU and then it comes back. Just remember, when you get to the scary place, I'll be there holding your hand. (to me from BA)
  • nope - you're not dead yet because you still cry on my shoulder (to me from BA)
  • Looking for "the one". She won't be just one of the many that have caught my eye, she'll also be "the one" that catches my heart. You see, to me, the opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. So, I won't be satisfied with a friend that I can say that I love. I'm looking for "the one" that I can be "in love" with every moment of every single day with the kind of passion that makes her: "the one" I want to call from work just to say "I am thinking about you", "the one" I can't wait to get home from work to just be with, "the one" that still makes me feel like a starry-eyed 16 year-old every time I look in her eyes, "the one" that I can hold while watching TV, give a piggy-back ride to on the beach, have a food fight with while we are cooking, slow dance with in the rain, or have a pillow fight with then fall asleep with her in my arms, "the one" that I will still think is the sexiest girl in the world even when she is wearing sweats and no makeup, "the one" that I can say "I love you" to and mean it so much my eyes water, and "the one" that I will still want to walk through the mall holding hands with long after we have grown old together. (
  • The sex? Maybe. The intimacy...not a chance. Being touched by someone who cares deeply about your value as a person and who doesn't take you for granted goes clear to the soul (yahoo)
  • tried to hold off, but the feelings came swept me away faster than a hurricane. the debris is evident (OD)
  • I would rather climb a mountain than crawl in a hole. (Marie Osmond)
oct 14 2008 ∞
oct 27 2008 +