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since the original person deleted their listography, i made this as a back up !! feel free to use :3 this is just my personal opinion, not everyone will agree with it :3

listography NEW NEWS

Anti-Antis (Also referred to as Proshippers) are people who believe that they can ship incestuous/pedophilic/abusive relationships, because it's "just fiction".

These people commonly use the excuse that their ships are "just fiction" to glorify and push away the fact that their ships are commonly incestuous, pedophilic, and/or abusive.

They tend to ship adoptive/fostered family members together since "they're not blood related", or a minor with an alien/incredibly old/immortal being (such as someone of another species which lives longer than humans/has a different perception of age as humans, or some kind of god/divine entity/alien with no known or confirmed age).

The reason they're called Anti-Antis is due to the fact that they call people who disagree with their ship tastes "Antis", meaning that they are against or "anti" t...

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mar 24 2023 +

do not interact if you fall under any of this criteria:

  • racist
  • xenophobic
  • ableist
  • antisemitic or islamophobic
  • nazi / alt right
  • LGBTQphobic
  • pedophile / minor attracted person / non offending minor attracted person
  • proship
  • ddlg ( not to be confused with age reg or syskids )
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  • sysphobic (this includes using someone's introjects against them)
  • endogenic systems
  • anti recovery
  • anti self diagnosis (with research, not everyone can afford healthcare)
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  • Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.
  • Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminists.
  • Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Males.
  • Transmedicalist
  • A-Spec Exclusionists
  • Pan/Omni Exclusionists
  • Bi Exclusionists
  • M-Spec Exclusionists
  • MOGAI Exclusionists
  • Other Exlclusionitsts
  • homophobic, transphobic, lesbiphobic, panphobic, biphobic, aphobic, etc etc.
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