• Earthgrazers - Ruby Sparks!au. Chanyeol is a writer and Baekhyun is his main character but he goes on a writers block and decided to use an old fashioned type writer.
  • I Know Your Mother Too - bh has some of the "friends with benefits' thing going on with pcy and maybe he knows a lot of people in bh's circle.
  • Lets make it for(ever)- Chanyeol never imagined that a simple box could mean so much.
  • Heart Pound - CEO Baek doesnt realize he got his domestic helper pregnant until he fainted while making dinner.
  • Youre My Home - King Chanyeol leaves for war, leaving his heavily pregnant husband King Baekhyun.
  • Insanity - Knowing everything he now did, Baekhyun should have been scared, he should have flinched away, he should be running. He wasn’t.
  • Not-So Early Mornings and Complete, Utter Assholes - Baekhyun loves his boyfriend. He hates every single one of Sehun's weekend hookups.
  • 27 Days - Royal!au It's been 27 days since Chanyeol's even touched Baekhyun. Baekhyun gets it, he does.
  • This is Why I Need You - The evolution of two crazy kids in love, one with a guitar and one with a pen, from being kids themselves to having one of their own.
oct 28 2019 ∞
dec 24 2019 +