• jon • he/him • late 30s • white
  • EXO | kim minseok
  • favourite pairings. chenkai, kyungmyeon, suchen, xiuho, xiusoo, xiusooho. rare pairs in general
  • favourite aus/tropes. angst, slice of life, domesticity, unrequited love, magical realism, post-apocalypse, dystopia, selkies, slow burn
  • before you follow. twitter: currently (march 2025) not logged in; otherwise mostly art/fic/exo rts and the odd ship tweet. bluesky: anything, and considerably more active. shy about following back if we never talked before; on principle not following people who engage in drama or fan wars. if you're following for fic posts, please make sure to subscribe to my ao3, i only post about fest fics on twitter.
dec 24 2018 ∞
mar 18 2025 +