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hey, i'm becca. formerly known as coffee. i like lists, obviously, and i made a listography simply because i saw it on bree's facebook and thought it was cool beans. :)

listography NEW NEWS
furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
places (Restaurants to try)
  • "speak softly, but carry a big can of paint." - banksy
  • "i like your christ. i do not like your christians. your christians are so unlike your christ." - gandhi
  • "the worst crime is faking it." - kurt cobain
  • "if a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she's late? nobody." - JD salinger, the catcher in the rye
  • "they always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." - andy warhol
  • "revenge is sweet and nonfattening." - alfred hitchcock
  • "imagination is everything. it is the preview of life's coming attractions." - albert einstein
  • " a recent survey of north american males found 42% were overweight, 34% were critically obese, and 8% ate the survey." - banksy
dec 23 2010 ∞
dec 23 2010 +