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hey, i'm becca. formerly known as coffee. i like lists, obviously, and i made a listography simply because i saw it on bree's facebook and thought it was cool beans. :)

listography NEW NEWS
furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
places (Restaurants to try)
  • talk to people without thinking i'm humiliating myself.
  • wear underwear in other styles than bikini more often
  • have more patience with argumentative people
  • have more patience in general
  • be less argumentative
  • talk to my brother more often
  • wear dresses more often
  • bake/cook
  • budget better
  • be more comfortable with my body
  • not be so one sided about things
  • sing more often
  • watch the news
  • read the sunday newspaper
aug 24 2010 ∞
aug 24 2010 +