• Naomi Beesley-You are pretty much part of my family and I'm part of yours. We have been through some awesome times together and days where we have gone through hell. We have had our fights but thats in the past and you are gonna be my best friend forever! Love you!
  • Emily Meyer-We have had some awesome times together and I know you will always be there for me and I will always be there for you.Good luck with your baby. Love ya!
  • Raymond Fallin- You are an awesome fiance and a great person in general. We have had our arguments but nothing will change how I feel about you.It's so amazing you will be my husband in two years! Can't wait to get our own place together it is going to be great! I love you :)
  • Nick Sillanpaa- We went from just meeting to dating to being really good friends. Now we dont really talk much but Im still here for you if you ever need anything sir!
  • My Dad-You were the most amazing person I ever knew. We were really close and had the kind of relationship some people would hope for. After what happened I moved on but I dont think it will ever go away completely. R.I.P Dad Love you.
  • My Mom- She is the strongest person I know. I have no clue how she manages her job and my sister and I. We have our fights but we always get through them. She is an awesome single mom. Love you!
  • Naomi Beesley's family- Naomi and I have been tight since freshman year. I got really close with the whole family and they have done a lot for me. Thanks again for prom night..and just everything..I can't thank you enough!
  • Barbara (Clinical Instructor)- I had an amazing time in the cna program because of you. You were right there with all of us the entire time. You still believed I could do this job even when I was told I couldn't. I never really got to explain how much of an impact you made on my life. My dream since I was a little girl was to be a nurse and you told me to never give up on that. Thank you so much! We all love you :)
may 14 2009 ∞
oct 14 2011 +