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  • "Just when you're looking for a way out, life finds a way back in." ('Greta')
  • "Ein Tag ohne Lachen ist ein verlorener Tag." (Charlie Chaplin)
  • "Nie wieder", sagt der Vestand. "Jederzeit", sagt die Sehnsucht.
  • "Vielleicht ist es so, dass jeder Mensch nur einmal im Leben richtig glücklich ist. Einmal. Und dafür wird er dann hinterher bestraft. Das ganze Leben lang. Die Strafe ist, dass er diesen einen Moment nie vergessen kann. Ich glaube, am besten ist es, wenn du dich im richtigen Moment verabschiedest. Und zwar dann, wenn du am glücklichsten bist. Genau dann. Am höchsten Punkt." ('Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken?')
  • Die Zukunft, egal wie bedrohlich sie auch sein mag, kommt auch nur einen Tag nach dem anderen
  • "Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." (John Updike)
  • "Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire you to live!"
  • "Live your life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there is nothing left for him to steal."
  • "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." (Audrey Hepburn)
  • "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn’t have fallen for the second." (Johnny Depp)
  • "Lieber im Dschungel als im Zoo." (Hinterm Horizont Musical)
  • "Arrows can shoot by pulling backwards. So when life pulls you back, it means it can only launch you into something great."
  • “The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”
  • “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.”
  • "You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present." (Looking for Alaska by John Green)
jun 23 2009 ∞
oct 4 2014 +