19_blue_roses: Eden's Morning

  • PG-13 | 3100 words | Open up a browser's history and you can read someone's story.

ai_chan1399: Tonight is a Fairy Tale

  • PG-13 | In which they love and they lose, and misery loves company.

cointossed: The Sublimation of a Glow

  • PG-13 | 5600 words | Baekhyun has a one-sided rivalry with Chanyeol which begins with light, and then disappears with it.

dial_alexandria: Section B through C

  • PG | 2628 words | They keep you here for your personality and customer service," their part-time coworker Kyungsoo once told him. "Though I have no idea why, because all you ever seem to do is creep everyone out and knock shit over." Chanyeol is pretty sure Kyungsoo just finds him adorable.

happiestgiraffe: On a Boat

  • R | A newly uncloseted Baekhyun is a little more than overwhelmed to find himself on a gay cruise. They say miracles are supposed to happen on that boat; but the only miracle in his mind would be finding a way off it.

hopeandmemory: Filthy ☆☆

  • NC-17 | 9100 words | Baekhyun and Chanyeol have differing standards of cleanliness. Chaos ensues. (Alternate summary: Baekyeol exchange sexual favors for household chores. Sigh.)

(runandgun) hyperlydian: Why Like This ☆☆

  • NC-17 | 13800 words | In which Baekhyun is a classical pianist with social anxiety problems and Chanyeol has no major.

(sonyeoncheonji) jessiki: Let It Rain

  • G | Thank God it rained, because now Chanyeol would never have to know.

leadernim: College!AU ☆

  • I'm Yours
    • PG-13 | 7000+ words | Chanyeol is weird. Baekhyun is disinterested. Jongin is the thing of the devil. Kris is a creature from an evil dimension.
  • Hey Soul Sister
    • R | 7500+ words | Jongin continues to be evil. Kris continues to be more evil. And now Chanyeol and Baekhyun are weird together.

maayacola: Make a Day Feel Like a Minute

  • PG-13 | 30000 words | Chanyeol doesn’t want to ‘get to know’ the guy who comes to every show dressed in a bright gold jacket and carrying a glittery sign with Chanyeol’s name on it. Except, well, he kind of does. (It is a bitchin’ jacket.)

(runandgun) maayacola: Masquerades

  • PG-13 | 25000 words | Dr. Byun Baekhyun’s life turns upside down when he meets Agent Park Chanyeol, and his partner, Agent Kris Wu, and gets plunged into an unexpectedly dangerous adventure.

(runandgun) nisakomi: Tripping Into You

  • R | 8989 words | s the angst filled life of a rock star. behind all the sex, drugs, and rock and roll, baekhyun’s so into chanyeol.

pinkbit: i'd take you over a million subscribers

  • PG | baekhyun thinks there's a little music in everything

seoks: Linear

  • PG-13 | 4200 words | baekhyun has a habit of predicting the future, and then chanyeol happens.

seoks: the royal pains of kim junmyeon

  • PG-13 | 4063 words | in which junmyeon is baekhyun's royal adviser and wants him to get married...like now

sleepyrice: Spica

  • PG-13 | 6274 words | If the earth and the constellation Virgo are 260 light years away, what then, Chanyeol wonders, is the distance between two human hearts?

sleepyrice: The Painter of Bones

  • PG-13 | 22000 words | He’s used to working with old, dying or dead people. Most certainly not someone as young and fragile, alive, or beautiful as Byun Baekhyun.

sncj_reversebb; Of Humanoids and Blind Dates

  • R | 3507 words | In which Chanyeol is a scientist, Baekhyun is his best friend (who kisses him often), and Kris is the result of chemicals, a few strands of hair, and a tablespoon of oregano.

vaxylia: Folie à Deux

  • NC-17 | 12344 words | What do you do when your sex life hits a plateau? Cue ten overly helpful friends to the rescue with their plethora of spicy suggestions, and mix in a clueless couple with an insurmountable amount of bad luck – the perfect recipe for hilarity and disaster.

zeraiya: Lollipop Division

  • NC-17 | 19000 words | Baekhyun isn’t sure how to mourn over the loss of something that is still seemingly there.
oct 6 2012 ∞
jul 31 2013 +