colorfunk: Make 'em Cowboys Swoon

  • PG-13 | 3500 words | chanyeol starts a prank war, kris finishes it.

(runandgun) horse_exobooks: Ea$y Money

  • NC-17 | 27000 words | _ It’s impossible to pay the rent in this economy._

idolkiller: Après-ski ☆☆☆

  • PG-13 | 13000 words | Kris is an Olympic skier; Chanyeol's just on vacation.

idolkiller: For You It's Separation, For Me It's Waiting

  • R | 4000 words | that au where kris is a fansite hyung and chanyeol is his college bro

idolkiller: Hundred Dollar Bills, Brand New Wheels

    • PG | 2000 words | Chanyeol is the only richfuck and Kris is his PA

julyfix: Flights of Fancy

  • PG-13 | 6927 words | Kris was born without an imagination. He goes through life as a realist who does not wonder, ponder, or think about the "what if"s in life. Life is, simply, what it is. Truth is, Kris was born with an imagination - a very friendly, very loud and unorthodox one. Chanyeol is everything Kris isn't.

julyfix: Hooked

  • PG-13 | 8600 words | Wufan isn't creepy. He's observant. Chanyeol is a potato scientist.

leadernim: Puzzle Piece

  • R | 21000 words| Chanyeol is a supermarket cashier when Wu Fan walks into his station with wasabi peanuts and walks out with his heart.

(runandgun) leadernim: Wonderwall

  • R | 8000+ words | With the “trial of the century” in his lap, Defense Attorney Park Chanyeol already has a lot of things to handle. Sleeping with the prosecutor had (unfortunately) not been on his to-do list. .

ourhandsfroze: Laugh a Little, It Suits You

  • PG-13 | 5572 words | In which Chanyeol works at an amusement park, Kris is always smiling, and Baekhyun is an annoying little shit.

seoulfulness: Lovebug

  • dr. wu has always been a bit closed off, until he restarts the heart of a certain park chanyeol, and finds his own heart beating again
oct 6 2012 ∞
jul 31 2013 +