adorableprince: Sequined Skirts

  • PG-13 | Yixing had no idea being a sailor scout would be so itchy.

adorableprince: Who Am I?

  • PG

bicheul: Quick Fix

  • R | In which Yixing is cluelessly in love and Kris is trying to figure him out.

bluedveins: 晴天

  • PG | 1552 words | Sometimes, you're too late.

(runandgun) chiharu: Head Full of Doubt, Heart Full of Promise ☆☆

  • PG-13 | 7300 words | Two years after EXO disbands, Yixing returns to Seoul to attend Joonmyun’s wedding.

coley_merrin: Perennial

  • PG-13 - R | The perennial flower dies, or so it seems. But at its root, it lives. When the seasons change, the flower, the leaves, that come back are not the same. But somehow they are.

(sonyeoncheonji) exoaffinity: Subterfuge ☆☆

  • PG-13 | 7600+ words | 'Because although I know that I'm no different from anyone else; the sky is a normal, bleak blue for me, my mind is not so candid with itself and cannot let that thought of being in a true love go. To the extent to where I assess every person I meet in Starbucks or at Wal Mart thinking that maybe my life was like a coffee shop story. You know, one of those stories where two strangers meet in the most urban of places like a grocery store or out on a street corner, and by the end of the know the rest. Of course you do.'

foe_of_reality: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

  • G | 2228 words | Yixing works at a shop that sells greeting cards. Wu Fan buys more cards in a week than he has in his entire life.

foe_of_reality: Puppy Love

  • G | 5006 words | They've always lived just a few doors away from each other but they’ve never met. It takes a stray puppy on one miserable, rainy night for everything to begin.

(runandgun) halcyondusk: Like the First Time ☆☆☆

  • R | 17000 words | Kris is sent on business to a remote town in Hunan. He meets Yixing, and maybe even likes Yixing. Yixing, though, doesn’t quite reciprocate Kris’s feelings that easily.

jixxapeg: Paperman

  • PG | 5500 words | On the morning of February 13th, a stray gust of wind takes Kris’s tax return forms and maybe a little bit of his heart too. (alternatively: Kris hates his day job and Yixing is the breath of fresh air he can’t ever seem to catch)

julyfix: Gears

  • PG | Wufan surprises Yixing by asking him for a dance.

loudestoflove: Asleep Without Your Message

  • R | 16000 words | Yixing is content to float by, until he meets a certain photographer. Wu Fan is a little creepy. Yixing doesn't mind.

mal_atesta: P.S. I Still Love You

  • PG | 1530 words | Home is where the heart is.

(sncj_reversebb) minumtehtarik: Paris is Always a Good Idea ☆☆

  • PG-13 | 5600 words | Supermodel Kris Wu and singer-songwriter Lay Zhang are China’s celebrity It couple, blessing the city of Paris with their presence for six months. Enter their college friends, asexual hipster Jongdae, #1 Kris Wu fanboy Zitao and fiancés Minseok and Luhan, stage left.

pecoraheart: Post-Jägermeister

  • PG-13 | 1800 words | Kris is too drunk to remember... or is he?

puckered_lips: Fashionably Late

  • PG-13 | No one can explain why they wait. They just do it.

sendandreceive: The Monotony of Us ☆☆

  • R | 6000 words | It took Wufan a while to realize that every relationship has it's honeymoon period, and that it never lasts.

simplyephemeral: I Know Secrets Kill You ☆☆

  • NC-17 | 32292 words | The same day Wu Fan gets assigned to write an article on the mysterious popular writer Lay, he meets the cute and similarly enigmatic man that frequents the same bar named Zhang Yixing who Wu Fan most definitely does not have a crush on.

simplyephemeral: Melt You Down ☆☆

  • NC-17 | 15255 words | Yixing doesn’t expect his new neighbor to be the same man who had stopped by the ice cream shop the night before, the man with the big gummy smile that still lingers bright in his mind.

sncj_santa: Always Awake

  • PG-13 | 8354 words | Office!AU - To say the interview was a success would be an understatement.

staygame: High Art

  • PG | 1440 words | How avant-garde,' Yixing says, stifling a laugh.

threewalls: Wingspan

  • PG | 1035 words | Kris' symbol on production notes reminds Wu Fan of all the dragons flying up the margins of his middle school notebooks.

todokan: Half a Glass

  • G | Yixing wonders if Wu Fan likes it and the washroom is small

(runandgun) windowright: If on a Shanghai Afternoon Two Writers

  • PG | 8000 words | As China's most popular and most charming young novelist, Zhang Yixing is living the life of his dreams. That is, until his editor and longtime best friend Kris Wu is assigned to Huang Zitao, EXO Entertainment's newest young author — and Yixing's biggest online anti.
oct 6 2012 ∞
jan 5 2014 +