- Eoin Colfer: And Another Thing... (1/2025)
- Mystery Case Files: The Harbinger (1/2025)
- Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (1/2025)
- Kelet (1/2025)
- The Addams Family, season 1 (1/2025)
- The Coyote (1/2025)
- BlueBob Egg (1/2025)
- Scene from a David Lynch DV Project (1/2025)
- Dark, season 3 (1/2025)
- Agatha Christie: Neiti Pinkertonin salaisuus (Miniseries) (1/2025)
- Memento (1/2025)
- Our Planet, season 2 (2/2025)
jan 4 2025 ∞ feb 5 2025 +
- Virtahepo tulee päivälliselle (1/2022)
- Feels Good Man (1/2022)
- Ursula K. Le Guin: Firelight (1/2022)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Golden Pince-Nez (1/2022)
- The Handmaid's Tale, season 1 (1/2022)
- Lindsay Ellis: Axiom's End (1/2022)
- Killer's Kiss (1/2022)
- Twin Peaks, season 2 (1/2022)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Missing Three-Quarter (1/2022)
- Dear White People, season 4 (1/2022)
- Black Books, season 1 (1/2022)
- Black Books, season 2 (1/2022)
- Bastian Obermayer & Frederik Obermaier: Panaman paperit (1/2022)
- Kappa, jokilapsi (1/2022)
- Black Books, season 3 (1/2022)
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1/2022)
- Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces (1/2022)
- Leila Khaled: Hijacker (2/2022)
jan 1 2022 ∞ dec 27 2022 +
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Engineer's Thumb (1/2019)
- Frank Herbert: Dune (1/2019)
- Mahatma Gandhi: Vapaudesta (1/2019)
- Neil Gaiman: The Doll's House (1/2019)
- Night in the Woods (1/2019)
- Fortitude, season 3 (1/2019)
- Watership Down (1/2019)
- Helena Telkänranta: Millaista on olla eläin? (1/2019)
- Mystery Case Files: Key to Ravenhearst (1/2019)
- Nälkä (Ylioppilasteatteri) (1/2019)
- Watership Down (Miniseries) (1/2019)
- George R.R. Martin: A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow (2/2019)
- Veljeni leijonamieli (Komediateatteri) (2/2019)
- Anni Saastamoinen: Depressiopäiväkirjat (2/2019)
- The X-Files, season 6 (2/2019)
jan 3 2019 ∞ dec 30 2019 +
- Áillohaš: Beaivi, Áhčážan (1/2016)
- H.P. Lovecraft: The White Ship (1/2016)
- Metropolis (1/2016)
- Oliver Twist (1/2016)
- Árdna, season 4 (1/2016)
- Mulholland Drive (1/2016)
- Keskitalo, Lehtola & Paksuniemi (toim.): Saamelaisten kansanopetuksen ja koulunkäynnin historia Suomessa (1/2016)
- Penny Dreadful, season 1 (2/2016)
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Street (2/2016)
- Day of the Fight (2/2016)
- Flying Padre (2/2016)
- Dickensian, season 1 (2/2016)
- Sparrooabbán (2/2016)
- Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila: Islamin käsikirja (2/2016)
- Järven tarina (3/2016)
- Sanctuary, season 2 (3/2016)
- Ivan's Childhood (3/2016)
- Millennium (Miniseries) (3/2016)
jan 5 2016 ∞ dec 28 2016 +
- Once Upon a Time, season 1 (2013)
- Justimus (2013)
- Once Upon a Time, season 2 (5/2013)
- Grimm, season 1 (5/2013)
- P. Hiidenmaa: Suomen kieli - who cares (6/2013)
- L. Kotilainen: Suomensuojelija - Ohjekirja kielen pelastamiseen (6/2013)
- Roswell, season 2 (6/2013)
- J. Lynch: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (7/2013)
- Märät Säpikkäät, season 2 (7/2013)
- It's Kind of a Funny Story (7/2013)
- Twixt (7/2013)
- Suuri puhallus (7/2013)
- Butterfly Effect (8/2013)
- In Bruges (8/2013)
- Naurun tasapaino, season 1 (8/2013)
- V. Lehtola: Nickul - rauhan mies, rauhan kansa (8/2013)
- E. A. Poe: Mystery and Imagination (8/201...
jun 19 2013 ∞ jan 9 2014 +
- Neil Gaiman: The Graveyard Book (1/2024)
- Ripper Street, season 1 (1/2024)
- The Office (UK), season 1 (1/2024)
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (1/2024)
- The Cowboy and the Frenchman (1/2024)
- The Office (UK), season 2 (1/2024)
- Mystery Case Files: Black Crown (1/2024)
- A Bit of Fry and Laurie, season 3 (1/2024)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Thor Bridge (1/2024)
- Ikuiseen rauhaan (1/2024)
- Margaret Atwood: The Testaments (1/2024)
- Gabriel Kuhn: Liberating Sápmi (2/2024)
- American Gods, season 3 (2/2024)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 3 (2/2024)
- Iida Rauma: Hävitys (2/2024)
- Roots (1977 miniseries) (2/2024)
- Remembering Roots (2/2024)
jan 9 2024 ∞ jan 28 2025 +
- Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, season 1 (1/2021)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Crooked Man (1/2021)
- J. R. R. Tolkien: Taru sormusten herrasta (1/2021)
- Selma (1/2021)
- Riikka Hedman: Sämpy (1/2021)
- H. P. Lovecraft: The History of the Necronomicon (1/2021)
- QI, season 13 (1/2021)
- A. W. Yrjänä & Janne Halmkrona: Ad Nauseam (1/2021)
- Dear White People, season 2 (1/2021)
- Neil Gaiman: Coraline (1/2021)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Resident Patient (1/2021)
- H. P. Lovecraft: Ibid (2/2021)
- American Gods, season 1 (2/2021)
- William Gibson: Neuromancer (2/2021)
- Lost, season 6 (2/2021)
jan 1 2021 ∞ dec 31 2021 +
- Naomi Klein: No logo - Tähtäimessä brändivaltiaat (1/2018)
- Dune (1/2018)
- Yes Minister, season 2 (1/2018)
- Koko Hubara: Ruskeat Tytöt (1/2018)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Blue Carbuncle (1/2018)
- The X-Files, season 4 (2/2018)
- And Then There Were None (2015) (2/2018)
- Samernas tid (Miniseries) (2/2018)
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2/2018)
- Animal Farm (2/2018)
- Noam Chomsky: Valta ja terrori (2/2018)
- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings (2/2018)
- Amanda Palmer: The Dresden Dolls Companion (2/2018)
- Hanna Kuusela & Mika Rönkkö (toim.): Puolueiden kriisi (3/2018)
- The Shape of Water (3/2018)
jan 2 2018 ∞ dec 24 2018 +
- Anna Kontula: Näkymätön kylä (1/2015)
- Árdna, season 2 (1/2015)
- Game of Thrones, season 4 (1/2015)
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Tomb (1/2015)
- Afrikan valloitus (Ylioppilasteatteri) (1/2015)
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, season 1 (1/2015)
- Les Revenants, season 1 (1/2015)
- The Cyanide & Happiness Show, season 1 (2/2015)
- Scifin historia (2/2015)
- Anthony Burgess: Kellopeli appelsiini (2/2015)
- H.P. Lovecraft: A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson (2/2015)
- Miss Farkku-Suomi (2/2015)
- Vesa Heikkinen, Pirjo Hiidenmaa & Ulla Tiililä: Teksti työnä, virka kielenä (2/2015)
jan 5 2015 ∞ dec 28 2015 +
- Mystery Case Files: Moths to a Flame (1/2023)
- Viisi tarinaa rasismista Suomessa (1/2023)
- Yanis Varoufakis: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy (1/2023)
- The Ghosts in Our Machine (1/2023)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Devil's Foot (1/2023)
- Jonathan Creek, season 4 (1/2023)
- Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story (1/2023)
- Sarjakuvaelämää, season 1 (1/2023)
- Stephen Fry: Making History (1/2023)
- Tales from Earthsea (1/2023)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: His Last Bow (1/2023)
- Tuho-osasto, season 1 (2/2023)
- Katkeamaton, season 2 (2/2023)
- Frank Herbert's Dune (Miniseries) (2/2023)
- Naomi Klein: On Fire: The Burning Case fo...
jan 1 2023 ∞ dec 25 2023 +
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Beryl Coronet (1/2020)
- A. W. Yrjänä: Somnia (1/2020)
- Frozen II (1/2020)
- Jo-Anne McArthur: Captive (1/2020)
- State of Siege (1/2020)
- Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset, osa 1 (1/2020)
- Ursula K. Le Guin: Tehanu (1/2020)
- Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset, osa 2 (1/2020)
- The X-Files, season 8 (1/2020)
- Welcome to the Discworld (2/2020)
- Se mikä ei tapa (2/2020)
- Meg-John Barker: Queer: A Graphic History (2/2020)
- Lost, season 3 (2/2020)
- Yanis Varoufakis: Adults in the Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment (2/2020)
- QI, season 9 (2/2020)
dec 31 2019 ∞ dec 31 2020 +
- PMMP - Tässä elämä on (1/2017)
- Twin Peaks, season 1 (1/2017)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A Case of Identity (1/2017)
- Melanijan tie (1/2017)
- Twin Peaks, season 2 (1/2017)
- Märät säpikkäät, season 1 (1/2017)
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1/2017)
- Mikael Brunila & Kimmo Kallio (toim.): Verkko suljettu - Internet ja avoimuuden rajat (1/2017)
- Yö ja usva (1/2017)
- Edwin Droodin arvoitus (Miniseries) (1/2017)
- Batman - Lepakkomies, season 1 (1/2017)
- Haudatkaa sydämeni Wounded Kneehen (1/2017)
- Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters (2/2017)
- Axe Cop, season 1 (2/2017)
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Temple (2/2017)
- Con Man, season 1 (2/2017)
jan 1 2017 ∞ dec 28 2017 +
- Solfrid Fjellaksel Pedersen: Beaivvi bártni suotnjodeapmi (1/2014)
- Sápmi Sessions, season 1 (2/2014)
- Anne Frank: the Whole Story (2/2014)
- Under the Dome, season 1 (3/2014)
- Yanis Varoufakis: The Global Minotaur (4/2014)
- Maa aikojen alussa (4/2014)
- L Räsänen: Kansan kuvahinen (5/2014)
- Saamelaisten hiljainen kamppailu (5/2014)
- Once Upon a Time (5/2014)
- Z. Topelius: Nástečalbmi (6/2014)
- Grimm, season 3 (7/2014)
- The Wall (7/2014)
- Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö (7/2014)
- Áigin (7/2014)
- Maleficent (7/2014)
- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (8/2014)
- Kaikki mitä unohdin sanoa (Ylioppilasteatteri) (8/2014)
jan 9 2014 ∞ aug 12 2017 +