His parents met each other in Batusangkar in 1994. They got married in 1995 and decided to move to Jakarta to look for better work opportunities. A year later, his mother gave birth to him. Two years after his birth, his mother gave birth to his sister, Sarah. During his childhood, his parents realized that he is a gifted kid. He can read when he was 2, his IQ test is 154, and he enrolled to an elementary school when he was 5. He completed school faster than kids his age. He finished elementary school in five years, middle school in two years, and high school in two years.

At the age of 14, he enrolled to Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Political Science. He was pretty active in students executive board (BEM), especially in Kajian dan Aksi Strategis (Kastrat) department. He graduated in four years and is now working as journalist, focusing in political news. Despite his involvement in political related things, he doesn't like to discuss about politics outside of work.

jan 27 2021 ∞
jan 30 2021 +