• Build 1000 piece puzzle
  • Hide and seek
  • Lord of the rings
  • waterfall

Paintball Go to an art museum and make up facts about art pieces / paintings together. Just try to make each other laugh at your ridiculous made-up facts. The more boring or crazy the museum (MOMA in NY is good), the better IKEA date. Role play in each scenario. One of our best dates! Draw together. We're both not into museums, but we went and just drew together. Swaddle your girlfriend with a giant blanket. She LOVED this and actually fell asleep.. Give each other massages :3 She loves my back massages, and this often leads to sexy time when her shirt's off ;) Shower together. Problem with this is that our shower is kind of small, so she doesn't enjoy it as much. Lie on top of each other. She especially likes it when I lie on top of her. She says she likes the weight l o l Take cliche/corny photos together. We were "inspired" by this image , and we took a photo of us shopping in Trader Joes, her holding my hand, and me holding the Trader Joes bag. Go to the animal shelter together and pet some cats! It really helps that we both love animals. Sometimes I would wrap myself into a burrito/banana, and I would exclaim to her "PEEL ME". And she would reluctantly come over, peel me, and start laughing when she gets rid of her poker face

aug 24 2016 ∞
nov 15 2016 +