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Emily. 24. University of Louisville. Art/Art History major.

I love lists. I make lists all the time... for everything! I got this book from my friend for graduation and it is probably one of the coolest gifts ever.

  • running a marathon in the forest, the trees were beautiful, the air clean, and I’ve never felt so good running as I did in this dream
  • running a “trail race” 400 meter dash up these grassy hills
  • third base coach for the White Sox in Sam’s Club, the guys were basically playing between the aisles, the only person I remember clearly is Joe Crede
  • third base coach for Melissa’s family, playing in someone’s flooded basement
  • Freddy Garcia and Pablo Ozuna traded to the Orioles
  • in a van with a clear front, going to a soccer game, on top of this plateau thing that overlooked a giant soccer stadium, Wyatt and Mom went down but Dad and I wanted to go to the doctor’s, there was an office across this ravine type thing and the only way to get across was a rickety bridge, in the middle there was a fat kid on a swing, we asked him if he could please move and he goes “NOOOOO” and then Dad pushed him off XD
  • like the Saw movie, blood dripping from entrails hanging from the ceiling
  • there was a hot tub with a bunch of smart kids from my Physics class and I asked if I could join them but they said no and I was said, Stacey and Kevin and Kari were in another one and they let me join them
  • A giant pool which was really deep and I was trying to find something with my cousin, Patrick
  • we were driving through this foggy city using our GPS to try to escape these two giant shrimp, came up to some giant football stadium, we went in but one of the giant shrimp followed and started eating people in the stadium
  • I was a camp counselor and I was looking at papers with events my group were doing and it was saying things like “one dead… three injured…” etc so I went top save them even though the other counselors didn’t want me to, a raptor followed me and a friend, we climbed up the fence and the raptor followed, I tipped it into the cage and we climbed back out, saw group running towards us, friend dived into the water and hot wired a boat, group dove in as raptor came around the corner, swam to boat and we boated over to the other side, someone called the army and they helicoptered my group to safety, took boat launches of people over for the army to helicopter out, from the top of the building people parachuted to safety, I parachuted over to the top of the raptor infested island to get some people back over, this guy almost blew away with his parachute but I saved him, we parachuted back over before the raptor got us
  • I was on a school bus for cross country or track (because there were some people there from SHS track/xc) and we were trying to think of a song to sing that everyone on the bus knew. People were trying diff songs until I busted out with Never Gonna Give You Up and EVERYONE joinied. I ... even RickRoll people in my DREAMS! Anyway after that we got to this field and split up into two teams and played football. I do not know
  • I was trying to work out at Meineke gym but it was like leaking and underwater. Coach Rebeck was there and he was like "Emily, you're gonna have to work harder!" I was with two girls and one boy and I was like let's go to the gym in the SAC! So we went down a grassy hill to the SAC.
  • a mix of three different dreams… the first one I was with my family, I think, or people who appeared to be my family and we had a whole bunch of little puppies but they got lost in our big house and then we had to find them, they all had names and everything but I can’t seem to remember those, anyway I think we found all of them and lived happily ever after, or something… the second one was me eating M&M blizzards with Melissa and Ellen but we were making them ourselves with the soft serve ice cream and M&Ms… can’t remember the last one
  • Dad, Wyatt, and I were going camping but we packed everything in the car and we were going to walk there for some reason… we were in Schaumburg near Puja’s house… I forgot my toothbrush, hairbrush, and contacts so we had to walk back to our house… we decided to drive this time, I asked Puja if she wanted to come but she wanted to take her camper and we couldn’t do that… I remember it was really beautiful outside and I was really excited to get to the camping place, our house had big windows and it looked like we were on the beach or something
  • This is a dream I remember having at least once before. First I was in a building and there were bad people there so somehow we had to escape. We jumped through a window and drove away in a car. Then I was in some village and me and two other girls were hiding in an abandoned house that was kind of like a tree house. They found the two other girls who had gone into town for something and I’m pretty sure they found me but somehow I got away. Then I went and hid by some workers. They were like jumping off this cliff but this guy who was floating over the cliff would blow them back up. I stayed there for a while until the bad guys found me again and then I ran and jumped off the cliff into the water. I could breathe underwater so they couldn’t find me. The water was really clear and beautiful. And then I woke up!
  • I was at a football game with family or some friends, I think. I was off by myself at first and there with this annoying couple in front of me and I think I bitched them out or something. Then I left and the couple was following me until I met up with my family again and Wyatt had a violin duel with this other guy and then I woke up.
  • I was in a haunted house except the monsters were real. They were based on newer movies… not so much Frankenstein and the mummy but more recent monsters. I was with Uncle Pat, Uncle Mark, Patrick, and Mackenzie. We all got split up and Uncle Mark and Uncle Pat got shrunk somehow. I remember I was all of sudden lost in a mall place and looking for Starbucks. Eventually I got out of the house somehow with Uncle Mark and Pat in my hand and my parents drove by and picked us up. We put them in a cup holder and drove back around to get the rest of the people in the house. The house was like breathing on its own, so you could only get out some of the time. I think they got out eventually and we were squeezed in back with Joe and Scout.
  • I was drawing with people outside the art building but I had to get food so I was trying to get back to my dorm, I was half way there when I remembered that I left my sketchbook outside so I decided to go back and get it first, when I was trying to get back to my dorm the campus was really long and kept changing, I finally got in the building and there was a line of girls all dressed up in fancy dresses and I pushed through them to get to the stairs, I went up the stairs and there was a Subway on one of the floors and I went to get my food, I ended up talking to Mandy Rooney’s parents because they were randomly there and then this lady came over and asked if I was the one that pushed over the girl in the dress, and I said no, and then I was trying to get to the art building but campus was a maze and somehow I ended up in a parking garage and then I woke up!
  • A friend and I were driving down Weathersfield when he turned into the cul de sac and it was all lit up with red lights on every house. He turned the car around and we stopped at a diner place on Weathersfield right between the cul de sac and my house. We went in and sat at the bar, but it was really busy and they only had two waitresses/bartenders so we waited a long time. All of a sudden my dad showed up from behind the bar and gave us two beers.
  • I was in my room watching Supernatural. I think Joe was there for some reason. It was really messy and crowded in my room and there was a window right above my desk that went to the room next door except it was two boys instead of the girls that are supposed to be there. One of the boys came through the window to bug me and the other was sleeping in his bed but then he woke up and played really loud music. I gave Joe some food and then set it on top of a high table but Joe somehow jumped on top of the table and then the microwave to get the food! Jes came in and showed me all these art projects she made with kids in some sort of art class at a community center. She told me she’s been selling woodchips and all the kids she worked with bought a really nice car (I forgot what kind) but apparently it has really bad gas mileage. I saw some other boy that I knew with a couple of his friends so I ran over to him and put my arm around his and told him to buy some mulch from the people Jes knew who were selling it. He was going to buy some, but his friends were impatient and left and he had to leave to catch up with them.
  • I was with some of the girls that I mentor and we were waiting around for something in a classroom. There were all these other people that started coming in to our room and we were trying to keep control of our room. Then we were all sitting at tables with these people and some guy was creepin’ on me.
  • I had like three dreams last night/this morning… first, I remember walking through a school trying to find my class, I was in a classroom eating lunch with a bunch of kids and then something started, people were screaming and there was fire and stuff and I think it was these people type creature things that were getting people, a bunch of people ran for it and I was going to run but a little boy jumped under the bed/couch thing and the lights were off so I was trying to get him out, finally I grabbed him and we ran to the roof and jumped off into a pool… second, I’m not sure if this was a continuation of the last dream or a new one altogether, we were in a forest but I was like a little mouse or something really small, there was a herd of scary goat things chasing us but a huge elephant protected me… and third, I think this may be a recurring dream because I was getting déjà vu, it was the future and I was with a few people and we all represented different countries, we go outside to a basketball court to get transported somewhere else, in this dream we started to play football for some reason except the ball got trapped in this muck stuff and we had to go back, there is a show on TV that EVERYONE watches religiously because I think it may be the only thing on, I think some other stuff happened but I can’t remember anymore.
  • I was running from some sort of giant monster with Puja, Grandma, and some guy, we were in this abandoned building for a while hiding before it found us, Puja wasn’t feeling good so we left her hiding while we ran off down this big hallway, it got Grandma but we kept running all the way to a dining room where a rich family was eating dinner and we stopped there for a while before heading back to Puja, for some reason the family’s dining room was in France and that’s where the monster was…
  • We were on a bus just kind of chilling, I guess, when these other people came over because they wanted a girl. We wouldn’t let them have her so I took the girl and a boy and we ran away. We were with an old lady and she taught me how to fly. I had to take these big leaps and I was supposed to “move the air under and around me”. We went down a highway and by a lake and over trees! We finally came to this museum thing with statues of presidents and I looked at all of them close up. I saw Wyatt who was also flying and then I stopped flying. I think I’ve had this dream before but didn’t remember it until now.
  • I was with a whole bunch of kids in my house when we heard a noise and I made them hide in the closet and the bathroom. We didn’t have time to get in the closet so another kid and I hid underneath the table and saw all these gangsters come in. Somehow I got upstairs and there were all these other people there including two older boys. We went to the window as SWAT came to sneak in. They handed me a gun and we all went downstairs to save the kids. This guy was coming at me because he thought I wouldn’t shoot but I did and it was like chemical warfare though so it slowly melted him or something. One of the older boys got in the way but I think he was okay because he only got the aftermath. All the kids started running out of the closet and bathroom trying to escape.
  • I was at a U of L basketball game with Melissa and my family. We were cheering for Jerry Smith and he came up into the stands to talk to us. Coach Kasner was the U of L coach and she yelled at him. I disappeared somehow and needed to go back through the whole stadium to get back to my seat. We moved up to the front row to talk to Jerry after the game and get his autograph.
  • I was running from something, or someone, with two other people whom I didn’t know. We ran through my backyard, hopped the fence to get into the neighbor’s yard and hopped another fence to get in the yard across from hers. Somehow we on a dock of some sort, hiding, and then I woke up!
oct 1 2009 ∞
may 21 2010 +