Things I NEED to do this summer
- CAPS leader e-mails
- Pearson scholarship video May 14th
- Jones scholarship May 17th
- NSCS scholarship June 1st
- look up volunteer events for NSCS
- run a 10k plus other 5k races
- re do room
- meatless mondays
- go on epic bike rides every day that I don't run
- learn to cook
- walk the dogs... or run with scout
- get money, get paid
- DOWNSIZE clothes etc. get rid of everything that I don't wear...
Things I want to do this summer
- start a garden and a compost heap
- read the real classics... 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the Time Machine, a Picture of Dorian Gray
- baseball baseball and more baseball
- Joe scrapbook
- first year scrapbook
- write my life story to date
- Michael Crichton
- Arlington Horse Track!
- visit people in Kentucky or Toni in Wisconsin
With Puja:
- Sox game
- Taste
- N64
- Beach/Dunes
- EPIC movie marathon
- Play Baseball
- Arts and Crafts
- Bake a Cake