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" there's so much beauty in the world. sometimes i feel like I'm seeing it all at once, &it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst.. &then I remember to relax, &stop trying to hold on to it, &then it flows through me like rain &i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. "

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danielle. television (shows I have completed in 2021)
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  • short, wavy, dark brown hair.
  • poop eyes.
  • uneven bangs.
  • my nose pops..
  • thin lips.
  • a birth mark freckly thing under my right eyebrow, & one above my left.
  • actually , i have 7 birth mark freckly things on my face: eyebrows, left side of my nose, right cheek, 3 on the left.
  • ears pierced twice each.
  • lip ring scar under the right side of my bottom lip.
  • A34 :[
      • B36! yeah birth control :p
  • size 6, or small shirt.
  • belly button pierced.
  • nubby fingernails.
  • a plethora of freckles leading from the edge of my left hipbone downward. a very odd location for freckles, i'd say.
  • size 5 pants.
  • "t" shaped scar on my left knee.
  • my legs are, as a rule, generally splattered in lovely shades of violet, indigo, yellow and green.
  • scar on my big toe on my left foot.
  • size 5/6-ish feet.
feb 19 2009 ∞
jan 11 2010 +