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" there's so much beauty in the world. sometimes i feel like I'm seeing it all at once, &it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst.. &then I remember to relax, &stop trying to hold on to it, &then it flows through me like rain &i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. "

listography NEW NEWS
danielle. television (shows I have completed in 2021)
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  • forgetting.
  • arthritis. i won't be able to:
    • paint
    • run
    • knit
  • gaining weight.
  • losing my health.
  • experiencing death of loved ones.
  • forgetting.
  • getting too comfortable.
  • not being comfortable enough.
  • letting myself go.
  • settling.
  • canes, & hunchback-like posture.
  • responsibility.
  • getting all saggy & wrinkley. ew.
  • forgetting.
jul 3 2009 ∞
jan 11 2010 +